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Windows 7操作系统:微软的巅峰之作
添加时间:2019-03-05 09:05:52 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • With Windows 7, PC users will at last have a strong, modern successor to the sturdy and familiar, but aged, Windows XP, which is still the most popular version of Windows, despite having come out in 2001. In the high-tech1 world, an eight-year-old operating system is the equivalent of a 20-year-old car. While XP works well for many people, it is relatively2 weak in areas such as security, networking and other features more important today than when XP was designed around 1999.

    随着Windows 7的上市,个人电脑用户终于能有一款强大而新潮的替代产品,来淘汰稳定、熟悉但年代久远的Windows XP。尽管早在2001年就上市,但Windows XP仍是目前最受欢迎的Windows操作系统。在高科技领域,一款拥有8年历史的操作系统就相当于一辆拥有20年历史的汽车一样。虽然XP受到很多人喜欢,但很多方面的性能相当薄弱,例如安全性、网络连接性以及其他现在重要性超过1999年左右XP设计时的性能。

    After using pre-release versions of Windows 7 for nine months, and intensively testing the final version for the past month on many different machines, I believe it is the best version of Windows Microsoft has produced. It's a boost to productivity and a pleasure to use. Despite a few drawbacks, I can heartily3 recommend Windows 7 to mainstream4 consumers.

    我使用预先发布版的Windows 7已经有9个月了,最后这个月在很多不同机器上对最终版软件进行了大量测试,我相信这是微软所推出最好的Windows版本。Windows 7提高了生产力,操作令人愉快。尽管还存在一些缺点,但我仍衷心地向主流消费者推荐Windows 7。

    Like the new Snow Leopard5 operating system released in August by Microsoft's archrival, Apple, Windows 7 is much more of an evolutionary6 than a revolutionary product. Its main goal was to fix the flaws in Vista7 and to finally give Microsoft customers a reason to move up from XP. But Windows 7 is packed with features and tweaks that make using your computer an easier and more satisfying experience.

    去年8月,微软竞争对手苹果公司 (Apple)发布了新的雪豹(Snow Leopard)操作系统。和雪豹一样,Windows 7更多的是一款改进产品,而非革命之作。其主要目的就是解决Vista的缺陷,最终给微软用户一个淘汰XP的理由。但Windows 7带来了诸多新功能和调整,让你更加轻松便捷地使用电脑,带来更加令人满意的体验。

    Windows 7 introduces real advances in organizing your programs and files, arranging your taskbar and desktop8, and quickly viewing and launching the page or document you want, when you want it. It also has cool built-in touch-screen features.

    Windows 7在组织你的程序和文件,安排你的任务栏和桌面方面作出了实际改进,能够迅速地在你需要的时候,浏览和启动你想要的网页或文件。这一软件还有很酷的内置触摸屏功能。

    It removes a lot of clutter9. And it mostly banishes10 Vista's main flaws -- sluggishness11; incompatibility12 with third-party software and hardware; heavy hardware requirements; and constant, annoying security warnings.

    Windows 7取消了很多繁琐之处,基本上消除了Vista的主要缺陷──反应迟缓、不兼容第三方软硬件、繁重的硬件要求以及不断跳出、令人心烦的安全警告。

    I tested Windows 7 on 11 different computers, ranging from tiny netbooks to standard laptops to a couple of big desktops13. These included machines from Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer, Asus, Toshiba and Sony. I even successfully ran it on an Apple Macintosh laptop. On some of these machines, Windows 7 was pre-loaded. On others, I had to upgrade from an earlier version of Windows.

    我在11个不同的电脑上测试了Windows 7,从轻薄的上网本到标准笔记本电脑再到两台大型台式机。这其中包括了联想(Lenovo)、惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、戴尔 (Dell)、宏碁(Acer)、华硕(Asus)、东芝(Toshiba)和索尼(Sony)等厂商的产品。我甚至成功地在一部苹果Macintosh 笔记本电脑上运行了Windows 7。其中一些机器是预装的Windows 7。在其他机器上,我必须从较早版本的Windows进行升级。

    In most cases, the installation took 45 minutes or less, and the new operating system worked snappily and well. But, I did encounter some drawbacks and problems. On a couple of these machines, glacial start-up and reboot times reminded me of Vista. And, on a couple of others, after upgrading, key features like the display or touchpad didn't work properly. Also, Windows 7 still requires add-on security software that has to be frequently updated. It's tedious and painful to upgrade an existing computer from XP to 7, and the variety of editions in which Windows 7 is offered is confusing.

    大多数情况下,安装过程耗时不超过45分钟,新操作系统运行的顺畅良好。但我确实遇到了一些缺陷和问题。在两台机器上,漫长的启动和重启时间让我想到了 Vista。在另外两台升级后的机器上,显示或触控式鼠标等关键功能不能正常工作。此外,Windows 7还需要安全软件插件,必须频繁更新。在一部现有电脑上从XP升级到Windows 7让我觉得冗长而痛苦,Windows 7以诸多版本推出也让人困惑。

    Finally, Microsoft has stripped Windows 7 of familiar built-in applications, such as email, photo organizing, address book, calendar and video-editing programs. These can be downloaded free of charge, but they no longer come with the operating system, though some PC makers14 may choose to pre-load them.

    最后,微软在Windows 7上取消了熟悉的内置应用程序,例如电子邮件、图片组织、通信录、日程表以及视频编辑软件。这些软件可以免费下载,但不会随操作系统提供,不过一些电脑厂商可以选择预装这些软件。

     10级    双语 


    1 high-tech [haɪ tek] high-tech   第7级
    • The economy is in the upswing which makes high-tech services in more demand too. 经济在蓬勃发展,这就使对高科技服务的需求量也在加大。
    • The quest of a cure for disease with high-tech has never ceased. 人们希望运用高科技治疗疾病的追求从未停止过。
    2 relatively [ˈrelətɪvli] bkqzS3   第8级
    • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia. 兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
    • The operation was relatively painless. 手术相对来说不痛。
    3 heartily [ˈhɑ:tɪli] Ld3xp   第8级
    • He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse. 他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
    • The host seized my hand and shook it heartily. 主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
    4 mainstream [ˈmeɪnstri:m] AoCzh9   第8级
    • Their views lie outside the mainstream of current medical opinion. 他们的观点不属于当今医学界观点的主流。
    • Polls are still largely reflects the mainstream sentiment. 民调还在很大程度上反映了社会主流情绪。
    5 leopard [ˈlepəd] n9xzO   第8级
    • I saw a man in a leopard skin yesterday. 我昨天看见一个穿着豹皮的男人。
    • The leopard's skin is marked with black spots. 豹皮上有黑色斑点。
    6 evolutionary [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃənri] Ctqz7m   第9级
    • Life has its own evolutionary process. 生命有其自身的进化过程。
    • These are fascinating questions to be resolved by the evolutionary studies of plants. 这些十分吸引人的问题将在研究植物进化过程中得以解决。
    7 vista [ˈvɪstə] jLVzN   第8级
    • From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops. 我从卧室窗口望去,远处尽是连绵的山峦和屋顶。
    • These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope. 发生这些暴动是因为人们被逼上了绝路,未来看不到一点儿希望。
    8 desktop [ˈdesktɒp] sucznX   第9级
    • My computer is a desktop computer of excellent quality. 我的计算机是品质卓越的台式计算机。
    • Do you know which one is better, a laptop or a desktop? 你知道哪一种更好,笔记本还是台式机?
    9 clutter [ˈklʌtə(r)] HWoym   第9级
    • The garage is in such a clutter that we can't find anything. 车库如此凌乱,我们什么也找不到。
    • We'll have to clear up all this clutter. 我们得把这一切凌乱的东西整理清楚。
    10 banishes [ˈbæniʃiz] ebee0cb224c5d094a949e0f38cb605a5   第7级
    v.放逐,驱逐( banish的第三人称单数 )
    • Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice, and poverty.(Voltaire, French philosopher) 工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。(法国哲学家伏尔基泰) 来自互联网
    • The Consumer: It Banishes Uterine Fibroids, but for How Long? 消费者:它驱逐子宫的纤维瘤,但是为多久? 来自互联网
    11 sluggishness ['slʌɡɪʃnəs] e31ba04ce731e8a18e32686e456458a2   第8级
    • Such estimate of viscosities do give us some concept of the sluggishness of debris flows. 这种对泥石流粘度的估计确实给我们提供了一些泥石流惰性方面的概念。 来自辞典例句
    • The general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends. 那种呆滞的样子吓坏了他的朋友们。 来自互联网
    12 incompatibility ['inkəmˌpætə'biliti] f8Vxv   第7级
    • One cause may be an Rh incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn. 一个原因可能是Rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。
    • Sexual incompatibility is wide-spread in the apple. 性的不亲合性在苹果中很普遍。
    13 desktops [ˈdeskˌtɔps] 48b7203c1bafa2d05e78161da65feeed   第9级
    桌面( desktop的名词复数 )
    • You switch between these virtual desktops by clicking on the one you want to make active. 只需单击你所希望激活的桌面就可以在这些虚拟桌面之间进行切换。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
    • Laptops outsell desktops for the first time in the United States. 膝上型电脑首次在美国销售量胜过桌上型电脑。
    14 makers [] 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352   第8级
    • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
    • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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