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添加时间:2019-04-02 08:40:30 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Kind-hearted women Good will be rewarded,and kind women need to saay goodbye to their single life in 2012. 第一种、善良的女人 善有善报,认为善良的女人在2012年最应该“脱光”。因此如果你是一个善良的女人请不要担心,今年你是最应该结婚的人。 Diligent women Labor is virtue,and it is also a necessary condition for women to stay away from being single. 第二种、勤劳的女人 勤劳是一种美德,勤劳也是成功的必备条件。2012年请老的女人会在事业上更上一层楼,当然做惯了女强人的你是时候结婚了。 Confident women They are so confident that they never worry about their marriage.2012 also belongs to these girls and they need to fight to find their romance. 第三种、自信的女人 自信的女人不管到什么时候都不用担心自己落为剩女,只要有自信一切都不可怕。2012年是属于你的一年,没有结婚的姐妹们加油了。 Adamant women Adamant women never compromise in front of life, and they are brave enough to seek after their own love. So, come on, and you will sicceed in 2012. 第四种、坚强的女人 去年你有可能屡次相亲屡次不成,做一个坚强的女人吧,坚强的女人永不妥协。勇于追求自己的爱情,2012年你会成功。 Pretty women Pretty women are never afraid of having no suitors. As long as you want to end your single life, you will do it. 第五种、漂亮的女人 漂亮的女人不管到什么时候都不乏追求的对象,因此只要你漂亮你只要你想结束单身,你就可以做到,除非你非要坚持单身。 Simple women Women can be divided into two types: one is simple, and the other is arrogant. And the simple ones are always those to be blessed by God. 第六种、朴实的女人 女人分为两种,一种为朴实,另一种为高傲。两种女人性格上有天壤之别,朴实的女人不会由太高的条件,我想这样的女人老天爷也会有特别的照顾。 Older women These women are always anxious about their marriage. Who will marry me? If you are unlucky to be one of them, then you'd better adjust your love view. 第七种、大龄女人 大龄女人总是在为自己的婚姻发愁。有谁会娶我?这些话会不断在自己的脑海中环绕。如果你是这样的人,请试着思考一下你的爱情观是否正确。相信2012年中幸运会眷顾你。 Women in love These women have been in love with their lovers for such a long time that they may feel a little tired, so why not get married in 2012? 第八种、辛苦恋爱的女人 在爱情上有一个词汇用来形容两个人恋爱时间很长且非常不易。这个词就是爱情马拉松。如果你们经历了爱情马拉松,祝福你们,毕竟两个人之间有太多的感情,2012年你们结婚吧。 Happy women Some women feel life is endless when love, while the others find life is wonderful. Those wo feel happy life in love suit the marriage most. 第九种、可以感受到幸福的女人 女人在恋爱中有的人会感受到自己很幸福,而有的人会感觉到生活完全没有尽头。如果你是前者请为你自己鼓掌吧,可以感受到幸福的女人是最适合结婚的女人。 Super perfect women Who's a super perfect woman?It's hard to explain, however, these women are those who have infinite glanour. They are the last women that can be left single. 第十种、超级无敌完美女人 超级无敌完美女人是什么定义?很说不清楚,总之这样的女人应该拥有无限的魅力,所有褒性词语都适合用在她的身上。这样的女人在2012年一定不会被剩下吧!你说呢?
     8级    双语 
     单词标签: arrogant  adamant  diligent 


    0 arrogant [ˈærəgənt] Jvwz5   第8级
    • You've got to get rid of your arrogant ways. 你这骄傲劲儿得好好改改。
    • People are waking up that he is arrogant. 人们开始认识到他很傲慢。
    0 adamant [ˈædəmənt] FywzQ   第8级
    • We are adamant on the building of a well-off society. 在建设小康社会这一点上,我们是坚定不移的。
    • Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on. 维罗妮卡坚信他们必须继续留下去。
    0 diligent [ˈdɪlɪdʒənt] al6ze   第7级
    • He is the more diligent of the two boys. 他是这两个男孩中较用功的一个。
    • She is diligent and keeps herself busy all the time. 她真勤快,一会儿也不闲着。

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