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当前位置:首页 -> 5级英语阅读 - > 双语:永远不会让你失望的狗狗
添加时间:2019-04-02 08:39:16 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Are you tired of being let down by life? We feel your pain. There is one thing in life, though, that will never disappoint you-- a dog。 你是否已经厌倦令人失望的生活?我们知道你的感受。但这世界上有一种事物永远都不会令你失望——狗狗。 1. Imagine being greeted by this when you come home. EVERY DAY。 想想看,你每天回家时都会受到热烈欢迎。 2. Imagine never feeling unloved again。 你永远都不会感到无人疼爱。 3. Making people happy makes dogs happy. It's like having your own personal happiness machine。 狗狗喜欢逗人开心,它就像是专属于你的快乐制造机。 4. Let's put it this way. You'll never find a cat doing something like this, will you? 我们这样说,你永远都找不到可以做类似事情的猫,对吧? 5. A dog, on the other hand, will be there for you when you need him most。 另一方面,狗狗永远都会在你最需要它的时候出现6. They care about your health, so they'll go out of their way to get you up and outside。 它们关心你的健康,会“多管闲事”让你起身去外面活动活动。 7. Even if it means spending all their time pushing a wheelchair。 它们很忠诚,哪怕一生都只是推轮椅。 8. They never judge. They just love。 它们的爱一视同仁。 9. And when they says they'll love you forever, they mean it。 当它们说永远爱你时,是发自内心的真话。 10. You'll never eat alone again。 你再也不用一个人吃饭。 11. A dog can teach you everything you need to know about how to enjoy life。 狗狗还会教你如何享受生活的方方面面。 12. They bring out the best in us。 它们帮我们找到人性最善良的一面。 13. And their loyalty NEVER expires。 狗狗将一生忠诚于你。 14. They'll always treat you like family。 它们像对待家人一样对待你。 15. Dogs feel your pain。 狗狗能感知到你的痛苦。 16. And they know just how to comfort you。 知道如何安慰你。 17. They are all the inspiration you need。 它们激励着你前行。 18. And the greatest support system you'll ever know。 狗狗是你奋斗的不竭动力。 19. They'll throw themselves in harm's way for you。 它们会为了你而不惜让自己受伤。 20. A dog is the friend that will never leave you hanging。 狗狗是个从不会让你孤单一人的伙伴。 21. If you're still not convinced, we haven't even gotten to the best part: THE CUTENESS。 要是你还没被说服,看看最棒的这部分:它们都超萌超可爱。 Do yourself a favor, get a dog。 为了你自己,养只狗狗吧。
     5级    双语 
     单词标签: convinced  inspiration  expires  loyalty 


    0 convinced [kənˈvɪnst] IvFzlG   第5级
    • I am convinced of her innocence. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。
    • I'm convinced there's a jinx on this car. 我看这辆汽车是灾星。
    0 inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn] SbLzL   第6级
    • These events provided the inspiration for his first novel. 这些事件给了他创作第一部小说的灵感。
    • What an inspiration she was to all around her? 她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞?
    0 expires [iksˈpaiəz] 09bcb72d61c0d6d1eff5336da6881557   第6级
    期满( expire的第三人称单数 ); 文件、协议等(因到期而)失效; 断气; 逝世
    • Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author. 版权在作者死后50年即行终止。
    • You must obtain a new automobile license when your old one expires. 当旧的汽车牌照满期,你得领取新的。
    0 loyalty [ˈlɔɪəlti] gA9xu   第7级
    • She told him the truth from a sense of loyalty. 她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。
    • His loyalty to his friends was never in doubt. 他对朋友的一片忠心从来没受到怀疑。

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