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As soon as they got a chance, they would sneak in and check the bed to see if there was any blood.


Then there are people like me, who eat every bite and still want more, who sneak into the kitchen when the house is dark for slices of white bread slathered with margarine, sprinkled with sugar.

英语名人名言:Death 死亡

Horace (65 BC - 8 BC), Odes Death can sneak up on you like a silent kitten, surprising you with it's touch and you have a right to act surprised.


She would lock me in my room after lunch so that I could take a nap, but I would quietly sneak out to play with my friends.


Look Ahead at the Calendar – Don't let things sneak up on you.


He would take 10 photos of himself before he washed and would sneak out of class three times every hour.

格林童话英文版:The Riddle

Not knowing how to help herself, she ordered her maid to sneak into the prince's bedroom.

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