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鲁宾逊漂流记-8 Escape from the island

' There were eleven men in the boat,but three of them were prisoners.

鲁宾逊漂流记-7 Man Friday

'I'll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,'I said to myself.

鲁宾逊漂流记-1 My first sea journey

There was a long,hard fight,but when it finished,we and the ship were prisoners.

在月亮下面-6 飞往月球的宇宙飞船

Most of the prison guards ran away with the prisoners.

在月亮下面-5 森林大火

You can tell all those prisoners in prison 888.

在月亮下面-4 888号监狱

A lot of prisoners slept on the floor because there were no beds or chairs.

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