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Trusty John

Thereupon the King and the Queen suffered great anguish, and the King said, "Ah, how ill I have requited great fidelity!

忠实的约翰 Trusty John

Thereupon the King and the Queen suffered great anguish, and the King said, "Ah, how ill I have requited great fidelity!

格林童话英文版:The Two Travellers

" And now the tailor felt how thoughtless his life had been, prayed to God for forgiveness, and said, "Do what you will, I will bear what I must, but remember that our Lord God does not always look on passively, and that an hour will come when the evil deed which you have done to me, and which I have not deserved of you, will be requited.

格林童话英文版:Faithful John

Thereupon the king and the queen suffered great anguish, and the king said 'ah, how ill I have requited great fidelity.

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