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I reckon you're a kind of a singed cat, as the saying is—better'n you look.


You're in charge of all the rooms but this one" He's hiding something from me, thought the girl, and resolved to open that door the minute Silver Nose left the house That night, while she was sleeping in her little room, in tiptoed Silver Nose and placed a rose in her hair Then he left just as quietly as he had entered The next morning Silver Nose went out on business Finding herself alone with all her keys, the girl ran and unlocked the forbidden door No sooner had she cracked it than smo


" And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, "Oh, oh!

The Story of the Envious Man and of Him Who Was Envied

As it was, the Sultan's beard was singed and his face scorched, the chief of the eunuchs was burned to a cinder, while a spark deprived me of the sight of one eye.

安徒生童话英文版:The Buckwheat

VERY often, after a violent thunder-storm, a field of buckwheat appears blackened and singed, as if a flame of fire had passed over it.

安徒生童话英文版:The Wicked Prince

THERE lived once upon a time a wicked prince whose heart and mind were set upon conquering all the countries of the world, and on frightening the people; he devastated their countries with fire and sword, and his soldiers trod down the crops in the fields and destroyed the peasants' huts by fire, so that the flames licked the green leaves off the branches, and the fruit hung dried up on the singed black trees.

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