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添加时间:2015-05-21 20:24:39 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • The first week in November marks an interesting day in all Swedish schools, with much potential for a break from routine and opportunity to demonstrate teacher appreciation1: November 7th is Swedish Teacher’s Day.

    The fact that there are over 230,000 members of the Swedish educators’ union (making it the country’s fourth largest professional trade union) demonstrates how this is a nation which loves to teach. This special day, November 7th, is a demonstration2 of the reciprocal feeling – how Swedish students love to be taught!

    Typical activities which can be carried out on any teacher’s day around the world include the staging of plays to honour teachers, the making of cards and the giving of gifts. A country-specific teacher’s day may include something a little more traditional – for instance, a teacher appreciation gesture could involve a special food or folklore3 tale. With Sweden in mind, a popular dessert dish is the ‘daim torte’, a crunchy mix of toffee and chocolate which school pupils can spend an afternoon baking together as a communal4 teacher appreciation gift for their favourite teacher.

    Although a relatively5 small European country, Sweden is home to some magnificent cities such as Stockholm (its capital) and Gothenburg. In fact, Gothenburg is twinned with America’s Chicago and so even if you are not a Swede, if living in a city with a Swedish twin, why not use Sweden Teacher’s Day as an excuse to build bridges between your school and a Swedish institution? Learning about a completely different culture – in this case, a Nordic culture of great heritage – really is eye-opening. Learning how people your own age go about their daily lives can inspire you to make changes in your own life or even travel to experience the culture first hand - something promoted by school exchanges and class excursions.

    However you decide to celebrate Sweden Teacher’s day, we recommend you be inspired by the generous culture and take advantage of the opportunity to learn about how it has developed with respect to the education world – any teacher would be highly impressed with such effort and gratitude6!

     9级    英文科普 


    1 appreciation [əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn] Pv9zs   第7级
    • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all. 我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
    • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help. 我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
    2 demonstration [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn] 9waxo   第8级
    • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism. 他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。
    • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there. 他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
    3 folklore [ˈfəʊklɔ:(r)] G6myz   第10级
    • Zhuge Liang is a synonym for wisdom in folklore. 诸葛亮在民间传说中成了智慧的代名词。
    • In Chinese folklore the bat is an emblem of good fortune. 在中国的民间传说中蝙蝠是好运的象征。
    4 communal [kəˈmju:nl] VbcyU   第8级
    • There was a communal toilet on the landing for the four flats. 在楼梯平台上有一处公共卫生间供4套公寓使用。
    • The toilets and other communal facilities were in a shocking state. 厕所及其他公共设施的状况极其糟糕。
    5 relatively [ˈrelətɪvli] bkqzS3   第8级
    • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia. 兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
    • The operation was relatively painless. 手术相对来说不痛。
    6 gratitude [ˈgrætɪtju:d] p6wyS   第7级
    • I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him. 我向他表示了深切的谢意。
    • She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face. 她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。

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