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添加时间:2016-01-30 20:15:33 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • The Selfish Giant


    Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden.


    It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms2 of pink and pearl3, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other.


    One day the Giant came back. 1-1e had been to visit his friend the Cornish ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined4 to return to his own castle.When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.


    "What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.


    "My own garden is my own garden," said the Giant; "any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself." So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board.








    He was a very selfish Giant.


    The poor children had now nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons were over, and talk about the beautiful garden inside. "How happy we were there," they said to each other.


    Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the selfish Giant it was still winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children, and the trees forgot to blossom1. Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again, and went off to sleep. The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. "Spring has forgotten this garden," they cried, "so we will live here all the year round." The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak6, and the Frost painted all the trees silver. Then they invited the North Wind to stay with them, and he came. He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. "This is a delightful7 spot," he said, "we must ask the Hail8 on a visit." So the Hail came. Every day for three hours he rattled9 on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates10, and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go.He was dressed in grey, and his breath was like ice.


    I cannot understand why the Spring is so late in coming," said the selfish Giant,as he sat at the window and looked out at his cold white garden; "I hope there will be a change in the weather."


    But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. "He is too selfish," she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.


     6级    英语故事 


    1 blossom [ˈblɒsəm] HotyX   第6级
    • The blossom on the trees looks lovely in springtime. 春天树上的花很漂亮。
    • Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. 百花齐放,百家争鸣。
    2 blossoms [ˈblɔsəmz] 4a7fbeb95296f374c3b1acde9d88157d   第6级
    n.(尤指果树的)花( blossom的名词复数 );花丛,花簇v.(植物)开花( blossom的第三人称单数 );发展;长成;变得更加健康(或自信、成功)
    • It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossoms. 时当春季,怒放的扁桃花使那片山坡鲜红似火。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • The spring comes and peach blossoms [flowers] are all open. 春天了,桃花都开了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    3 pearl [pɜ:l] 63Zzp   第6级
    • He bought his girlfriend a pearl necklace. 他给他女朋友买了一条珍珠项链。
    • The crane and the mussel fight to death. 鹬蚌相争。
    4 determined [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnd] duszmP   第7级
    • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation. 我已决定毕业后去西藏。
    • He determined to view the rooms behind the office. 他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
    5 prosecuted ['prɔsikju:tid] Wk5zqY   第7级
    • The editors are being prosecuted for obscenity. 编辑因刊载污秽文字而被起诉。
    • The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act. 这家公司被控违反《卫生安全条例》。
    6 cloak [kləʊk] cqmz9   第6级
    • The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。
    • She threw a heavy woollen cloak over her shoulders. 她把一件厚重的羊毛斗篷披在肩上。
    7 delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl] 6xzxT   第8级
    • We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. 上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。
    • Peter played a delightful melody on his flute. 彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。
    8 hail [heɪl] LQ4z0   第6级
    • Hail fell with such violence that it broke windows. 冰雹猛落,把玻璃窗也砸破了。
    • The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes. 人们夹道欢迎凯旋的英雄们。
    9 rattled ['rætld] b4606e4247aadf3467575ffedf66305b   第7级
    • The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground. 卡车嘎吱嘎吱地在凹凸不平的地面上颠簸而行。
    • Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled. 每逢公共汽车经过这里,窗户都格格作响。
    10 slates [s'leɪts] ba298a474e572b7bb22ea6b59e127028   第9级
    (旧时学生用以写字的)石板( slate的名词复数 ); 板岩; 石板瓦; 石板色
    • The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof. 合同规定屋顶用红瓦,并非石板瓦。
    • They roofed the house with slates. 他们用石板瓦做屋顶。

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