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添加时间:2016-02-29 12:21:38 浏览次数:341 作者:未知
  • The Use of Fractional Number and Decimal Number


    Fractional number


    The first appearance of fractional numbers(fen1 shu in Chinese ) was a result of dividing two numbers. A fraction number was considered a part of a whole number, and in Chinese,the word fen means to split or divide.Later,in the process of calculation,fractional numbers also appeared to denote the ratio of two whole numbers. Systematic2 fractional number algorithm appeared in the ancient math classic Jiuzhang Suanshu(Nine Chapters on Mathematical Art)in the Eastern Han Dynasty around the 1 st century,which was about 1,400 years ear-tier than in Europe.


    In the annotated3 version of Jiuzhang Suanshu by Liu Hui,it clearly shows the algorithm of the subtraction,addition,multiplication,and division of fractional numbers,which is identical to todays fractional calculations. Besides, other knowledge about fractions, including how to compare two fractions,and how to calculate the average of fractions,were also included in the book, making Jiuzhang Suanshu the earliest monograph4 that systematically5 discussed fractional numbers.


    It was not until the 15th century that calculations with fractional numbers be-came popular in Europe. It is generally believed in Europe that the algorithm of frac-tional numbers originated in India,while the fact is the earliest Indian book on the algorithm of fractions appeared in the seventh century,in which were introduced the same rules as the those in Jiuzhang Suanshu .And even the annotated version of Jiuzhang Suanshu by Liu Hui was completed in 263 in the Wei Dynasty(220-265),which means that the algorithm of fractions is at least 400 years earlier than its counterpart in India.

    分数运算,大约在巧世纪才在欧洲流行。欧洲人普遍认为,这种算法起源于印度。实际上,印度在7世纪的著作中才开始有分数运算法则,这些法则都与《九章算术》中介绍的法则相同。而刘徽的《九章算术注》成书于魏景元四年(263 ),所以,即使与刘徽的时代相比,印度也要晚400年左右才有分数运算法则。

    Decimal number


    Also in the annotated version of Jiuzhang Suanshu by Liu Hui,the notion of the decimal number was first raised up. Liu invented the decimal number to denote the approximate number value of root extradions. Around the year 1300,Liu Jin in the Yuan Dynasty wrote the number 106368. 6312 as 一 □ ⊥ Ⅲ ⊥ Ⅲ M _ⅡIn his book Lulu Chengshu.The notion of decimal number appeared in the West in 1585 and the expression is rather difficult.For instance,the same number mentioned above would be expressed as (0) ① ② ③ ④or106368 06①3②l③2④

    刘徽在(九章算术注》中介绍,开方不尽时用十进分数(徽数,即小数)去逼近,首先提出了关于十进小数的概念。到公元1300年前后,元代刘瑾(公元1271一1368年)所著《律吕成书》中,已将106368.6312写成:一 □ ⊥ Ⅲ ⊥ Ⅲ M _Ⅱ。而西方直到1585年才有十进小数的概念,且表示方法很复杂,如上述小数,写法为:(0) ① ② ③ ④或106368 06①3②l③2④。

     9级    英文科普 
     单词标签: fen  systematic  annotated  monograph  systematically 


    1 fen [fen] CtczNj   第11级
    • The willows over all the fen rippled and whitened like a field of wheat. 沼泽上的柳树,随风一起一伏,泛出白光,就象一片麦田一样。
    • There is a fen around each island. 每个岛屿周围有一个沼泽。
    2 systematic [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk] SqMwo   第7级
    • The way he works isn't very systematic. 他的工作不是很有条理。
    • The teacher made a systematic work of teaching. 这个教师进行系统的教学工作。
    3 annotated ['ænəteɪtɪd] c2a54daf2659390553c9665593260606   第10级
    v.注解,注释( annotate的过去式和过去分词 )
    • Thematic maps should always be annotated with the source and date of the topical information. 各类专题地图,均应注明专题资料来源和日期。 来自辞典例句
    • And this is the version annotated by Umberto de Bologna. 并且这是有安博多-德-波罗格那注释的版本。 来自电影对白
    4 monograph [ˈmɒnəgrɑ:f] 2Eux4   第12级
    • This monograph belongs to the category of serious popular books. 这本专著是一本较高深的普及读物。
    • It's a monograph you wrote six years ago. 这是你六年前写的的专论。
    5 systematically [ˌsɪstə'mætɪklɪ] 7qhwn   第7级
    • This government has systematically run down public services since it took office.这一屆政府自上台以来系统地削减了公共服务。
    • The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.雨林正被系统地毀灭。

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