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When asked what advice he would give a young investor trying to enter the business today, Warren Buffett said that he would systematically get to know as many businesses as he could because that bank of knowledge would serve as a tremendous asset and competitive advantage.


"While the words in the text message did not differ between groups, the researchers systematically varied the perceived gender of the text message sender (Rebecca versus Steven) as well as the emojis displayed at the end of the message (smiling face versus kissing face and heart emoji).

与极品前任分手后 不要提及的9件事

Even though you broke up, you shouldn't systematically annihilate of every good thing he did or every good time you had.


They contend that Harvard has systematically discriminated against them by artificially capping the number of qualified Asian-Americans from attending the school to advance less-qualified students of other races.


A Japanese medical university has systematically discriminated against female applicants because women tend to quit as doctors after starting families, media reports have alleged.


CEO Herbert Diess said the company would be "systematically expanding its partnerships" in the country.


Australia is thought to be the only country to systematically record whether employees had asked for a pay rise, and why they had or had not done so.


To stay organized, and to make it easier to unpack, pack boxes systematically, room by room.


To stay organized, and to make it easier to unpack, pack boxes systematically, room by room.


, our current tertiary arrangements work systematically against it.


Italo Colantone and Piero Stanig establish that regions that have been more exposed to the recent surge of manufacturing imports from China, due to their historical industry specialisation, show systematically higher Leave vote shares.

争取加薪成功率 女性较男性低

Australia is thought to be the only country to systematically record whether employees had asked for a pay rise, and why they had or had not done so.


Alan Milburn, Commission chairman, said: "Bright, working-class kids are being systematically locked out of top jobs in investment banking because they may not attend elite universities or understand arcane culture rules.


Besides, other knowledge about fractions, including how to compare two fractions,and how to calculate the average of fractions,were also included in the book, making Jiuzhang Suanshu the earliest monograph that systematically discussed fractional numbers.


"The key is to go and systematically figure out who was where and when, so we can exclude people or phenomena.


Checking the cone for possible trouble can be done in a second or two, if one knows where to look and does it systematically.


But the most important things is that I can receive the advanced education systematically, listen to the senior professors experience, attend many dourses of lectures.


' Since the beginning of this year, public security systems, one after another, have systematically opened accounts for microblogging on Sina.


' For the study, published in the Journal of Pediatrics, Professor Pierce and colleagues put together a network of 137 pediatricians, who systematically started screening all babies at their one-year check up.

英语名人名言:Ability 能力

Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC) Be systematically heroic in little unnecessary points, do every day or two something for no other reason than its difficulty, so that, when the hour of need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved or untrained to stand the test.

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