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攻克癌症 拜登的登月计划
添加时间:2016-03-08 18:22:08 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • A couple of weeks ago I wriggled1 my way into an overcrowded conference room at the World Economic Forum2 in Davos to listen to US vice-president Joe Biden talk about efforts to cure cancer with a “moonshot” (an American buzzword for high-risk, potentially high-return forms of research).

    1月的某一天,我挤进达沃斯世界经济论坛(WEF)一个拥挤的会议室,听美国副总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)谈论发起一个“登月计划”(moonshot)治愈癌症的努力(moonshot是个美国流行词汇,代指高风险和潜在高回报的研究形式)。

    It was very revealing for two reasons. For one thing, when I saw Biden performing at close quarters, I finally realised why Democratic party elders have been muttering for months that he would be their preferred presidential candidate if Hillary Clinton fails to galvanise the voters.

    这极其发人深省,原因有两个。首先,当我近距离观察拜登的表现时,我终于意识到为何民主党的元老们数月以来一直在说,如果希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)无法激励选民,拜登将是他们青睐的总统候选人。

    Biden can connect with an audience with an ease that, sadly, Clinton often lacks: though he arrived woefully late for the moonshot meeting, he oozed3 such charm that the audience (almost) forgave him. And when he explained why he was involved in the moonshot initiative — namely because his own son died of brain cancer — he was compelling. “I have experienced the dreaded4 C word, which is the most frightening word that anyone wants to hear walking out of the office,” he said. “Had I run [for president] I would have liked to be the president who changes the face of cancer — we need an absolute moonshot.”


    But the more important reason why the session was so revealing was the nature of the people Biden had gathered together. Some — including Toby Cosgrove, president of Cleveland Clinic, and José Baselga, chief physician from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center — were doctors in the classic sense. But many were not. There were professors from other disciplines, and IT experts such as Bill McDermott, head of SAP software group, who was keen to explain how researchers can use big-data techniques to search for patterns in the mutations of cancers.

    但此次会议如此发人深省的更重要原因是,拜登将各种类型的人召集在了一起。一些人是经典意义上的医生,包括克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)所长托比•科斯格罗夫(Toby Cosgrove)和纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)首席医师何塞•巴塞尔加(José Baselga)。但很多人不是。其中有来自其他行业的教授和软件集团SAP首席执行官比尔•麦克德莫特(Bill McDermott)等IT专家;麦克德莫特热衷于解释研究人员如何能够利用大数据技术寻找癌症变异的规律。

    There were biologists on the platform too, and a chemical engineer — Paula Hammond, head of chemical engineering at MIT. As Professor Hammond observed, scientists could borrow nanotechnology ideas from chemical engineering to breach5 biological barriers.

    发表演讲的还有生物学家和化学工程师、麻省理工(MIT)化学工程负责人保拉•哈蒙德(Paula Hammond)。正如哈蒙德教授认为的那样,科学家可以从化学工程领域借鉴纳米技术创意,以突破生物屏障。

    “If you asked a psychologist or philosopher what the role of a chemical engineer in fighting cancer [might be], there would not be a ready answer,” Biden explained. “But my son had cancer and one of the things he was talking about was the blood-brain barrier.”


    This disparate collection of people illustrates6 a bigger point: that many scientists realise that if they want to have any chance of curing cancer, they must break out of their medical silos. One of the key paradoxes7 in medicine today is that while technologies are increasingly straddling medical silos, practitioners8 are stuck in their narrow fields more rigidly9 than before. What Biden — and others — emphasise10 is that knocking down these silos is almost as important as throwing money at any cancer moonshot (the total price tag for Biden’s project is estimated at $1bn). “When you go home and talk to your friends about a cure for cancer, I bet that none of them say ‘data’ and ‘standardisation’,” he explained. “But we have to find a way to break down those silos. This is crucial.”


    Does Biden stand any chance in this respect? If you talk to individuals who are working within the gigantic American health system, it is painfully hard to feel optimistic. Last week, I took part in a medical debate in Baltimore and heard officials describe with horror the silos that beset11 Washington’s mighty12 National Institutes of Health (apparently there are 27 different departments in the NIH, which are often reluctant to collaborate). And last year I listened as the actor Michael J Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s, talked about the silos undermining the search for a cure for that disease too; indeed, one of the reasons Fox created his own research foundation was precisely13 because he was so horrified14 by the fragmented pattern he saw.

    从这方面来说,拜登是否有成功的机会?如果你与在庞大的美国医疗体制内工作的个人探讨,你很难乐观。最近,我参加了在巴尔的摩举行的一场医学辩论,听到官员们恐惧地介绍困扰着强大的美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)的那些“竖井”(该协会貌似有27个不同的部门,彼此间往往不愿合作)。去年,我还听到罹患帕金森症的演员迈克尔·J·福克斯(Michael J Fox)讲述了影响帕金森症治疗研究的“竖井”;的确,福克斯创建自己的研究基金会的原因之一恰恰是他对自己目睹的这种各自为战的格局感到害怕。

    Nevertheless, even if I am somewhat cynical15 about Biden’s chances of success, he deserves credit for at least putting the issue on the map; and if anyone has enough political muscle to force change, it just might be him. “I am very rude when dealing16 with bureaucratic17 delays,” he said. And it seems that whatever he does — or does not — achieve with his “moonshot” will probably feel more meaningful to him than anything he might have done in Iowa, New Hampshire or elsewhere in the grubby presidential race.


    I wish him the best of luck; history sometimes twists in strange ways.


     10级    双语 


    1 wriggled [ˈrɪgəld] cd018a1c3280e9fe7b0169cdb5687c29   第10级
    v.扭动,蠕动,蜿蜒行进( wriggle的过去式和过去分词 );(使身体某一部位)扭动;耍滑不做,逃避(应做的事等)
    • He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair. 他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • A snake wriggled across the road. 一条蛇蜿蜒爬过道路。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    2 forum [ˈfɔ:rəm] cilx0   第7级
    • They're holding a forum on new ways of teaching history. 他们正在举行历史教学讨论会。
    • The organisation would provide a forum where problems could be discussed. 这个组织将提供一个可以讨论问题的平台。
    3 oozed [u:zd] d11de42af8e0bb132bd10042ebefdf99   第9级
    v.(浓液等)慢慢地冒出,渗出( ooze的过去式和过去分词 );使(液体)缓缓流出;(浓液)渗出,慢慢流出
    • Blood oozed out of the wound. 血从伤口慢慢流出来。
    • Mud oozed from underground. 泥浆从地下冒出来。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    4 dreaded [ˈdredɪd] XuNzI3   第7级
    adj.令人畏惧的;害怕的v.害怕,恐惧,担心( dread的过去式和过去分词)
    • The dreaded moment had finally arrived. 可怕的时刻终于来到了。
    • He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital. 他害怕非得在医院过圣诞节不可。 来自《用法词典》
    5 breach [bri:tʃ] 2sgzw   第7级
    • We won't have any breach of discipline. 我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
    • He was sued for breach of contract. 他因不履行合同而被起诉。
    6 illustrates [ˈiləstreits] a03402300df9f3e3716d9eb11aae5782   第7级
    给…加插图( illustrate的第三人称单数 ); 说明; 表明; (用示例、图画等)说明
    • This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm. 这部历史小说是走向崩溃的封建社会的缩影。
    • Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience which illustrates this. 阿尔弗莱德 - 阿德勒是一位著名的医生,他有过可以说明这点的经历。 来自中级百科部分
    7 paradoxes ['pærədɒksɪz] 650bef108036a497745288049ec223cf   第7级
    n.似非而是的隽语,看似矛盾而实际却可能正确的说法( paradox的名词复数 );用于语言文学中的上述隽语;有矛盾特点的人[事物,情况]
    • Contradictions and paradoxes arose in increasing numbers. 矛盾和悖论越来越多。 来自辞典例句
    • As far as these paradoxes are concerned, the garden definitely a heterotopia. 就这些吊诡性而言,花园无疑地是个异质空间。 来自互联网
    8 practitioners [prækˈtiʃənəz] 4f6cea6bb06753de69fd05e8adbf90a8   第7级
    n.习艺者,实习者( practitioner的名词复数 );从业者(尤指医师)
    • one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction 最了不起的科幻小说家之一
    • The technique is experimental, but the list of its practitioners is growing. 这种技术是试验性的,但是采用它的人正在增加。 来自辞典例句
    9 rigidly ['ridʒidli] hjezpo   第7级
    • Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure. 当今的生活被严格划分为工作和休闲两部分。
    • The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age. 自儿童时起即已开始有严格的课程设置。
    10 emphasise ['emfəsaɪz] emphasise   第8级
    • What special feature do you think I should emphasise? 你认为我该强调什么呢?
    • The exercises heavily emphasise the required readings. 练习非常强调必须的阅读。
    11 beset [bɪˈset] SWYzq   第9级
    • She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries. 她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。
    • The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning. 这项计划自开始就困难重重。
    12 mighty [ˈmaɪti] YDWxl   第7级
    • A mighty force was about to break loose. 一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
    • The mighty iceberg came into view. 巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
    13 precisely [prɪˈsaɪsli] zlWzUb   第8级
    • It's precisely that sort of slick sales-talk that I mistrust. 我不相信的正是那种油腔滑调的推销宣传。
    • The man adjusted very precisely. 那个人调得很准。
    14 horrified ['hɔrifaid] 8rUzZU   第8级
    • The whole country was horrified by the killings. 全国都对这些凶杀案感到大为震惊。
    • We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons. 地方监狱的普遍状况让我们震惊。
    15 cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl] Dnbz9   第7级
    • The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea. 由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。
    • He was cynical that any good could come of democracy. 他不相信民主会带来什么好处。
    16 dealing [ˈdi:lɪŋ] NvjzWP   第10级
    • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing. 该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
    • His fair dealing earned our confidence. 他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
    17 bureaucratic [ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk] OSFyE   第10级
    • The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic airs. 劳动的汗水冲掉了他身上的官气。
    • In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil. 在这个公司里即使是领一支新铅笔,也必须通过繁琐的手续。

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