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If you value the degree of autonomy, then do not go to a bureaucratic place because you will not be able to stand that place.

乔布斯传 第51期:热浪滚滚的时代(2)

"Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression and liberation," ",.


In a possible harbinger of what awaits the US, Ireland announced the relaunch of beef exports to China in 2015 only to meet a series of bureaucratic hurdles, and the trade in beef has yet to start flowing.


Bureaucratic infighting partly explains the inertia in developing the industry.


The World Bank has since 2002 documented bureaucratic barriers to business around the world from licensing requirements to predatory tax regimes.


This standard bureaucratic procedure would be needed to ensure that imports into the UK did not become a route to circumvent the EU's external tariff.


Industry groups say it will be far easier to transport goods between different Indian states, something that at present is a bureaucratic and logistical challenge.

攻克癌症 拜登的登月计划

"I am very rude when dealing with bureaucratic delays," he said.


" In Dubai, Mr Norton says: "From a bureaucratic perspective, everything takes longer and it can be very frustrating.


Last month the Ministry of Transport published draft rules that would legalise the nascent sector but could also stifle it with bureaucratic red tape, and gave the industry one month to respond.


Opponents of the new rules, led by cable television and telecommunications companies, say adopting the Title II approach opens the door to bureaucratic interference with business decisions that, if let stand, would reduce incentives to invest and thus raise prices and hurt consumers.


In 2013, the Ministry of Culture announced a further injection of 5 million euros into the independent bookstore industry, as well as the creation of a new bureaucratic position (the stereotypical solution to all French problems)—the "book arbitrator"—who could, in cases like this one, intervene in legal disputes without forcing the small businesses to involve themselves in expensive litigation.

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