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添加时间:2016-04-11 20:33:17 浏览次数:350 作者:未知
  • The world’s top self-made billionaires do not just have more money than everyone else; they often have less top-level education than the managers and accountants running their companies.


    Research shows that about a quarter of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs dropped out of university or high school before going on to join the financial elite1, a greater proportion than those who achieved masters degrees.


    It shows dropout2 billionaires are more prevalent than just household names such as Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates or Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg — something legions of MBA students may ponder as they rack up large debts in pursuit of a ticket to future riches.

    这表明,曾经辍学的亿万富翁不只是如微软共同创始人比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)和Facebook共同创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)等那些家喻户晓的名字——这也是大批MBA学生在为求得加入未来富豪行列的通行证而背上高额学生贷款时,或许会琢磨的事。

    Although half of the self-made billionaires tracked by Verve Search — a UK-based internet marketing3 agency — gained a bachelors degree or equivalent, only 20 per cent completed a masters, while roughly 5 per cent went on to obtain a doctorate4.

    位于英国的互联网市场调查机构Verve Search的追踪调查显示,尽管白手起家的亿万富豪中有半数拥有学士学位或同等经历,但是只有20%的人拿到了硕士学位,而获得博士学位约有5%。

    All of them gained their place in the financial elite through their own endeavours rather than inherited wealth.


    The data cross-references the annual Forbes rich list on the wealthiest 100 self-made billionaires in every year since 1996, comparing each person’s educational progress through information gained from public sources.


    Concern about the effect of rising tuition fees has led some to question the value of university education for those wanting to start a business at a young age.


    Peter Thiel, the billionaire venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal, has created a fellowship that encourages students to skip university to free them up to take risks early. His foundation promises grants of “$100,000 to young people who want to build new things instead of sitting in a classroom”.

    Paypal共同创始人、亿万身家的风险投资人彼得•蒂尔(Peter Thiel)创建了一项奖学金,鼓励学生跳过大学教育,支持他们早些放开手脚去冒险。他的基金会承诺,资助“那些想要创造新事物、而非坐在教室里学习的年轻人10万美元”。

    Dale Stephenson, a US recipient5 of the fellowship who left college aged 19, told the FT at the time of his award that “there’s a value in university. It teaches you how to follow directions and meet deadlines and work in groups. But it shouldn’t be the only way we learn.”

    戴尔•斯蒂芬森(Dale Stephenson)是该奖学金的美国获得者,19岁离开大学的他在领奖时向英国《金融时报》表示:“大学有其价值所在。它教会你如何听从指示、遵守最后期限以及与团队合作。但是大学不应该是我们学东西的唯一方式。”

    But Kathy Harvey, the associate dean of MBA and executive degrees at Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford6, said a university education was invaluable7 in most cases.

    但是,牛津大学(Oxford University)赛德商学院(Saïd Business School)主管MBA和EMBA项目的副院长凯茜•哈维(Kathy Harvey)表示,在多数情况下,大学教育都是无价之宝。

    “We shouldn’t be surprised that some of the world’s billionaires dropped out of school,” she said. “Mark Zuckerberg dropped out because he had Facebook as an idea. Not to follow that idea at that time would have been folly8.


    “But it took a combination of great judgment9 and luck to reach that point. The majority of people still benefit from getting the general education that gives them confidence and helps create a network.”


    She added: “Education isn’t just about making money, it’s about being resilient in life. You would expect that people who have taken time to think and learn about things are also able to apply themselves in the same way to their ambitions.”


     9级    双语 


    1 elite [eɪˈli:t] CqzxN   第7级
    • The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy. 政府内部的一群握有实权的精英控制着对外政策。
    • We have a political elite in this country. 我们国家有一群政治精英。
    2 dropout [ˈdrɒpaʊt] yuRzLn   第9级
    • There is a high dropout rate from some college courses. 有些大学课程的退出率很高。
    • In the long haul, she'll regret having been a school dropout. 她终归会后悔,不该中途辍学。
    3 marketing [ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] Boez7e   第8级
    • They are developing marketing network. 他们正在发展销售网络。
    • He often goes marketing. 他经常去市场做生意。
    4 doctorate [ˈdɒktərət] fkEzt   第7级
    • He hasn't enough credits to get his doctorate. 他的学分不够取得博士学位。
    • Where did she do her doctorate? 她在哪里攻读博士?
    5 recipient [rɪˈsɪpiənt] QA8zF   第7级
    adj.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器
    • Please check that you have a valid email certificate for each recipient. 请检查是否对每个接收者都有有效的电子邮件证书。
    • Colombia is the biggest US aid recipient in Latin America. 哥伦比亚是美国在拉丁美洲最大的援助对象。
    6 Oxford ['ɒksfəd] Wmmz0a   第8级
    • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford. 他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
    • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London. 这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
    7 invaluable [ɪnˈvæljuəbl] s4qxe   第7级
    • A computer would have been invaluable for this job. 一台计算机对这个工作的作用会是无法估计的。
    • This information was invaluable to him. 这个消息对他来说是非常宝贵的。
    8 folly [ˈfɒli] QgOzL   第8级
    • Learn wisdom by the folly of others. 从别人的愚蠢行动中学到智慧。
    • Events proved the folly of such calculations. 事情的进展证明了这种估计是愚蠢的。
    9 judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt] e3xxC   第7级
    • The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people. 主席自认为他审视人比别人高明。
    • He's a man of excellent judgment. 他眼力过人。

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