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添加时间:2016-07-22 21:42:47 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • One stop on the road to attaining1 a billion-dollar fortune is to seek advice at the feet of those who have already attained2 it. And while it might be difficult to get face time with some of Africa’s richest people, you can learn a lot from their words of wisdom.


    In the spirit of self-motivation, here are 20 inspirational quotes from a few members of Forbes’ list of 50 Richest Africans.


    1. If you don’t have ambition, you shouldn’t be alive. – Aliko Dangote

    1. 没有抱负的人生不值得过下去。——阿里科·丹格特

    2. People in Tanzania look at my wealth and think I must be sunbathing3 and playing golf all day. But I work really hard. I put in a hundred hours a week. It’s a never stopped game. You can never say I’ve worked hard enough now. – Mohammed Dewji

    2. 坦桑尼亚人看到我的财富就会想,我肯定整天都在晒日光浴、打高尔夫。但我工作起来非常卖力,每周都要投入100小时在工作上。这是一场永无休止的游戏。你永远都没有机会说,现在我付出的努力已经足够了。——穆罕默德·德沃基

    3. As you start out in life, it is important that you know at least something about everything, but as you get older it is important that you know everything about something. – Johann Rupert

    3. 初涉人世的时候,你有必要凡事都懂一点,但随着年纪的增长,你得就需要至少对一件事了如指掌。——约翰·鲁伯特

    4. The harder you work, the luckier you get. – Mike Adenuga

    4. 你越努力,运气就越好。——迈克·阿登努加

    5. In Life, you don’t get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice. – Stephen Saad

    5. 在生活中,如果不作出牺牲,你就无法达到任何成就、实现任何期望。——斯蒂芬·萨阿德

    6. I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. If you are hardworking and determined4, you will make it and that’s the bottom line. I don’t believe in an easy way through. – Isabel Dos Santos

    6. 我觉得,很多因家庭背景而人脉广泛的人都一事无成。如果你付出不懈努力并拥有坚定决心,你就能成功,这是最关键的。我不相信其中存在任何捷径。——伊莎贝尔·多斯桑托斯

    7. One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre5 performance. – Patrice Motsepe

    7. 目标一定要高。我永远都不会满足于平庸的表现。——帕特里斯·莫特赛比

    8. Money is not my objective6. – Desmond Sacco

    8. 钱不是我的目标。——德斯蒙德·萨科

    9. I own quite a lot and I have worked very hard for it. – Sudhir Ruparelia

    9. 我拥有一大笔财富,而这些都是我辛勤努力的结果。——苏迪尔·鲁帕拉里亚

    10. In today’s world, paradoxically, it is the boldest action that is often the safest. Remaining where you are in a world that is changing so rapidly is in fact the most dangerous of all places to be in. – Hakeem Belo- Osagie

    10. 说来矛盾,在当今世界上,最大胆的举措往往都是最安全的。在这个瞬息万变的世界中,留在原地其实就是留在了最危险的地方。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉

     6级    名人名言 


    1 attaining [əˈteinɪŋ] da8a99bbb342bc514279651bdbe731cc   第7级
    (通常经过努力)实现( attain的现在分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况)
    • Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence. 吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了。
    • By that time she was attaining to fifty. 那时她已快到五十岁了。
    2 attained [ə'teɪnd] 1f2c1bee274e81555decf78fe9b16b2f   第7级
    (通常经过努力)实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况)
    • She has attained the degree of Master of Arts. 她已获得文学硕士学位。
    • Lu Hsun attained a high position in the republic of letters. 鲁迅在文坛上获得崇高的地位。
    3 sunbathing ['sʌnbeiðiŋ] bb1a8564f9c25f1e1db56b2b14f574cb   第8级
    • tourists sunbathing on the beach 在海滩上沐浴着阳光的游客
    • We've been sunbathing on the beach. 我们一直在海滩上晒日光浴。
    4 determined [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnd] duszmP   第7级
    • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation. 我已决定毕业后去西藏。
    • He determined to view the rooms behind the office. 他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
    5 mediocre [ˌmi:diˈəʊkə(r)] 57gza   第9级
    • The student tried hard, but his work was mediocre. 该生学习刻苦,但学业平庸。
    • Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。
    6 objective [əbˈdʒektɪv] CHBxY   第6级
    • He tried to take an objective view of the situation. 他试图对形势有个客观的看法。
    • The cultivation in good taste is our main objective. 培养高雅情趣是我们的主要目标。

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