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Lao She was fond of humor, and was skillful in appreciating comic overtones in the mediocre and unambitious conflicts of human natures, making humor tender criticism, restrained while satirical, teasing without embarrassing.


Don't feel pressured to do what other people might think is a fulfilling life … you might want a mediocre life and that is so okay.

想进哈佛大学? 让你的父母去捐钱捐楼就行

Jared Kushner, for example, got into Harvard despite having a mediocre academic record.


But I am nothing more than a spirit; that may suit you, but me it only suits after a mediocre fashion Yes, I rejoice in the thought of seeing you again, fine mouches of my soul!


I take nothing from Jordan I love it when people try to say that LeBron would be mediocre in the 80s and 90s.


So they choose to reach a compromise and become mediocre.


But what's the downside of being mediocre?


When an organization values its bottom line more than its people, the best people go elsewhere, leaving behind those who are too mediocre or apathetic to find a better position.


" To achieve Wang's "small goal," young people who own no property and earn mediocre salaries would "have to work 1,000 years without eating or drinking," a 19-year-old wrote on Weibo after watching Wang's interview.


If he's a good person – loyal, happy, unselfish, willing to change – then know that he's a diamond amidst a host of "cool" guys with mediocre hearts.


Nevertheless, the next administration will take over a country with mediocre growth of productivity, high inequality, a growing retreat from work and a declining rate of creation of new businesses and jobs.


One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre performance.


~Bob Talbert The mediocre teacher tells.


The ability to overcome failure is one big difference between successful and mediocre people.


The Wolverine was a mediocre movie that simply capitalized on Jackman's popularity and overall appeal Logan.


One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre performance.


Half his staff was mediocre, the culture was sleepy and, although he had come up with a plan to change things, he wasn't at all sure it would work.


A mediocre performance was "cabaret," or "something you'd hear on a cruise ship.

中国历史名人:Lao She老舍

Lao She was fond of humor, and was skillful in appreciating comic overtones in the mediocre and unambitious conflicts of human natures, making humor tender criticism, restrained while satirical, teasing without embarrassing.

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