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添加时间:2017-01-04 12:13:23 浏览次数:431 作者:未知
  • Foxconn, the Taiwanese manufacturing giant behind Apple’s iPhone and numerous other major electronics devices, aims to automate1 away a vast majority of its human employees, according to a report from DigiTimes. Dai Jia-peng, the general manager of Foxconn’s automation committee, says the company has a three-phase plan in place to automate its Chinese factories using software and in-house robotics units, known as Foxbots.


    The first phase of Foxconn’s automation plans involve replacing the work that is either dangerous or involves repetitious labor humans are unwilling2 to do. The second phase involves improving efficiency by streamlining production lines to reduce the number of excess robots in use. The third and final phase involves automating3 entire factories, “with only a minimal4 number of workers assigned for production, logistics, testing, and inspection5 processes,” according to Jia-peng.

    富士康计划第一阶段将首先替代人力不愿意做的危险工作或者高重复性工作。第二阶段是精简产线削减多余机器人提高生产效率。第三阶段是将整个工厂都自动化。 “只留极少数员工来做生产,物流,测试和检查。”

    The slow and steady march of manufacturing automation has been in place at Foxconn for years. The company said last year that it had set a benchmark of 30 percent automation at its Chinese factories by 2020. The company can now produce around 10,000 Foxbots a year, Jia-peng says, all of which can be used to replace human labor. In March, Foxconn said it had automated6 away 60,000 jobs at one of its factories.


    In the long term, robots are cheaper than human labor. However, the initial investment can be costly7. It’s also difficult, expensive, and time consuming to program robots to perform multiple tasks, or to reprogram a robot to perform tasks outside its original function. That is why, in labor markets like China, human workers have thus far been cheaper than robots. To stay competitive though, Foxconn understands it will have to transition to automation.


    Complicating8 the matter is the Chinese government, which has incentivized human employment in the country. In areas like Chengdu, Shenzhen, and Zhengzhou, local governments have doled9 out billions of dollars in bonuses, energy contracts, and public infrastructure10 to Foxconn to allow the company to expand. As of last year, Foxconn employed as many as 1.2 million people, making it one of the largest employers in the world. More than 1 million of those workers reside in China, often at elaborate, city-like campuses that house and feed employees.


    In an in-depth report published yesterday, The New York Times detailed11 these government incentivizes for Foxconn’s Zhengzhou factory, its largest and most capable plant that produces 500,000 iPhones a day and is known locally as “iPhone City.” According to Foxconn’s Jia-peng, the Zhengzhou factory has some production lines already at the second automation phase and on track to become fully automated in a few years’ time. So it may not be long before one of China’s largest employers will be forced to grapple with its automation ambitions and the benefits it receives to transform rural parts of the country into industrial powerhouses.


    There is, however, a central side effect to automation that would specifically benefit a company like Foxconn. The manufacturer has been plagued by its sometimes abysmal12 worker conditions and a high rate of employee suicide. So much so in fact that Foxconn had to install suicide netting at factories throughout China and take measures to protect itself against employee litigation. By replacing humans with robots, Foxconn would relieve itself of any issues stemming from its treatment of workers without having to actually improve living and working conditions or increase wages. But in doing so, it will ultimately end up putting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out of work.


     9级    英语新闻 


    1 automate [ˈɔ:təmeɪt] oPLyy   第8级
    vt. 使自动化,使自动操作 vi. 自动化,自动操作
    • Many banks have begun to automate. 许多银行已开始采用自动化技术。
    • To automate the control process of the lathes has become very easy today. 使机床的控制过程自动化现已变得很容易了。
    2 unwilling [ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ] CjpwB   第7级
    • The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power. 土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。
    • His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise. 他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。
    3 automating ['ɔ:təˌmeɪtɪŋ] 2b259dca6072e7443e207b0e02234c2e   第8级
    (使)自动化( automate的现在分词 )
    • Have you ever thought about automating any part of your business? 你有没有想过把你公司的某个部门自动化?
    • We are in process of automating the production department. 我们正在对生产部门实行自动化。
    4 minimal [ˈmɪnɪməl] ODjx6   第7级
    • They referred to this kind of art as minimal art. 他们把这种艺术叫微型艺术。
    • I stayed with friends, so my expenses were minimal. 我住在朋友家,所以我的花费很小。
    5 inspection [ɪnˈspekʃn] y6TxG   第8级
    • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad. 经抽查,发现肉变质了。
    • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers. 士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
    6 automated ['ɔ:təmeitid] fybzf9   第8级
    • The entire manufacturing process has been automated. 整个生产过程已自动化。
    • Automated Highway System (AHS) is recently regarded as one subsystem of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). 近年来自动公路系统(Automated Highway System,AHS),作为智能运输系统的子系统之一越来越受到重视。
    7 costly [ˈkɒstli] 7zXxh   第7级
    • It must be very costly to keep up a house like this. 维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。
    • This dictionary is very useful, only it is a bit costly. 这本词典很有用,只不过贵了些。
    8 complicating [ˈkɔmplɪˌkeɪtɪŋ] 53d55ae4c858e224b98a8187fa34fb04   第8级
    使复杂化( complicate的现在分词 )
    • High spiking fever with chills is suggestive of a complicating pylephlebitis. 伴有寒战的高热,暗示合并门静脉炎。
    • In America these actions become executive puberty rites, complicating relationships that are already complicated enough. 在美国,这些行动成了行政青春期的惯例,使本来已经够复杂的关系变得更复杂了。
    9 doled [dəuld] 86af1872f19d01499d5f6d6e6dbc2b3a   第8级
    救济物( dole的过去式和过去分词 ); 失业救济金
    • The food was doled out to the poor. 食品分发给了穷人。
    • Sisco briskly doled out the United States positions on the key issues. 西斯科轻快地把美国在重大问题上的立场放了出去。
    10 infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)] UbBz5   第7级
    • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research. 加强科学基础设施建设。
    • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture. 加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。
    11 detailed [ˈdi:teɪld] xuNzms   第8级
    • He had made a detailed study of the terrain. 他对地形作了缜密的研究。
    • A detailed list of our publications is available on request. 我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索。
    12 abysmal [əˈbɪzməl] 4VNzp   第10级
    • The film was so abysmal that I fell asleep. 电影太糟糕,看得我睡着了。
    • There is a historic explanation for the abysmal state of Chinese cuisine in the United States. 中餐在美国的糟糕状态可以从历史上找原因。

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