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万物简史 第13期:如何营造一个宇宙(5)
添加时间:2018-04-22 18:03:58 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Unknown to them, just thirty miles away at Princeton University, 他们不知道,就在50公里以外的普林斯顿大学,

    a team of scientists led by Robert Dicke was working on how to find the very thing they were trying so diligently1 to get rid of. 一组以罗伯特·迪克为首的科学家正在设法寻找的,就是这两位天文学家想要除去的东西。

    The Princeton researchers were pursuing an idea that had been suggested in the 1940s by the Russian-born astrophysicist George Gamow 普林斯顿大学的研究人员正在研究20世纪40年代在苏联出生的天文物理学家乔治·伽莫夫提出的假设:

    that if you looked deep enough into space you should find some cosmic background radiation left over from the Big Bang. 要是你看到空间深处,你就会发现大爆炸残留下来的某种宇宙背景辐射。

    Gamow calculated that by the time it crossed the vastness of the cosmos2, the radiation would reach Earth in the form of microwaves. 伽莫夫估计,那种辐射穿过茫茫的宇宙以后,便会以微波的形式抵达地球。

    In a more recent paper he had even suggested an instrument that might do the job: the Bell antenna3 at Holmdel. 在新近发表的一篇论文中,他甚至提出可以用一种仪器达到这个目的,这种仪器就是霍尔姆德尔的贝尔天线。

    Unfortunately, neither Penzias and Wilson, nor any of the Princeton team, had read Gamow's paper. 不幸的是,无论是彭齐亚斯和威尔逊,还是普林斯顿大学小组的任何专家,都没有看过伽莫夫的论文。

    The noise that Penzias and Wilson were hearing was, of course, the noise that Gamow had postulated4. 彭齐亚斯和威尔逊听到的噪声,正是伽莫夫所假设的。

    They had found the edge of the universe, or at least the visible part of it, 90 billion trillion miles away. 他们已经找到了宇宙的边缘,至少是宇宙150亿光年以外的可见部分。

    They were "seeing" the first photons—the most ancient light in the universe 他们在"观望"第一批质子--宇宙中最古老的光--果然不出伽莫夫所料,

    though time and distance had converted them to microwaves, just as Gamow had predicted. 时间和距离已经将其转变成了微波。

    In his book The Inflationary Universe , Alan Guth provides an analogy that helps to put this finding in perspective. 艾伦·古思在他的《不断膨胀的宇宙》一书中提出一种类比,有利于摆正这一发现的位置。

    If you think of peering into the depths of the universe as like looking down from the hundredth floor of the Empire State Building 要是你把观望宇宙深处比做是在美国纽约帝国大厦的100层上往下看

    (with the hundredth floor representing now and street level representing the moment of the Big Bang), (假设100层代表现在,街面代表大爆炸的时刻),

    at the time of Wilson and Penzias's discovery the most distant galaxies5 anyone had ever detected were on about the sixtieth floor, 那么在彭齐亚斯和威尔逊发现那个现象的时候,已经有人发现的最远的星系是在大约60层,

    and the most distant things—quasars—were on about the twentieth. 最远的东西--类星体--是在大约20层。

    Penzias and Wilson's finding pushed our acquaintance with the visible universe to within half an inch of the sidewalk. 彭齐亚斯和威尔逊的发现,把我们对宇宙可见部分的认识在大厅的地板上推进了约1厘米。

     单词标签: diligently  cosmos  antenna  postulated  galaxies 


    1 diligently ['dilidʒəntli] gueze5   第7级
    • He applied himself diligently to learning French. 他孜孜不倦地学法语。
    • He had studied diligently at college. 他在大学里勤奋学习。
    2 cosmos [ˈkɒzmɒs] pn2yT   第7级
    • Our world is but a small part of the cosmos. 我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已。
    • Is there any other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos? 在宇宙的其他星球上还存在别的有智慧的生物吗?
    3 antenna [ænˈtenə] QwTzN   第7级
    • The workman fixed the antenna to the roof of the house. 工人把天线固定在房顶上。
    • In our village, there is an antenna on every roof for receiving TV signals. 在我们村里,每家房顶上都有天线接收电视信号。
    4 postulated [ˈpɔstʃəˌleɪtid] 28ea70fa3a37cd78c20423a907408aaa   第8级
    v.假定,假设( postulate的过去式和过去分词 )
    • They postulated a 500-year lifespan for a plastic container. 他们假定塑料容器的寿命为500年。
    • Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct. 弗洛伊德曾假定我们所有人都有生存本能和死亡本能。 来自辞典例句
    5 galaxies [ˈɡæləksiz] fa8833b92b82bcb88ee3b3d7644caf77   第7级
    星系( galaxy的名词复数 ); 银河系; 一群(杰出或著名的人物)
    • Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies. 类星体是遥远星系的极为活跃的核心体。
    • We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the universe. 我们还不知道宇宙中有多少个星系。

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