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A gondola will be used beneath the balloon to carry the instrument as well as the telescope, which is made up of an eight-foot antenna and several mirrors, lenses and detectors.

万物简史 第13期:如何营造一个宇宙(5)

In a more recent paper he had even suggested an instrument that might do the job: the Bell antenna at Holmdel.

万物简史 第12期:如何营造一个宇宙(4)

In 1965, they were trying to make use of a large communications antenna owned by Bell Laboratories at Holmdel, New Jersey, 1965,,, but they were troubled by a persistent background noise—a steady, steamy hiss that made any experimental work impossible.

乔布斯传 第24期:奇特的一对,两个史蒂夫(5)

He would keep the picture fuzzy until someone touched the antenna.


In 1999, conservative televangelist Jerry Falwell accused Tinky Winky of "modeling the gay lifestyle," because the character carried a purse, was purple and had a triangle-shaped antenna.


Equipped with lidar censors, cameras, and GPS antenna, the buses can avoid hitting pedestrians, vehicles and barriers, safely change lanes and stop at designated sites.


To find the spacecraft, the team used NASA's 70-meter antenna at the agency's Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California to send out a powerful beam of microwaves directed toward the moon.


He constructed an antenna that captured signals from cable wires , and that gave them access to all channels ,.


Sources also told Bloomberg that Apple removed the two innermost antenna lines that line the back of the current phones.


Contact with the probe was lost after a maneuver to try to prevent overheating of the ship's antenna.


Here's what network engineer Brent Saner has to say about it: ·: "It doesn't matter if Starbucks is on WPA, WPA2, WEP (give me 1-4 hours or less and close enough distance to a wifi antenna, I'll break your WPA2.


When we see you and a fellow employee chit-chatting in the break room for more than a few minutes our antenna goes up and our cognitive calculator clicks into gear.

苹果推iPhone6s电池盒 延长续航至25小时

To ensure that it doesn't degrade a users' cell phone signal, the case includes a built-in antenna.


Citizens in Chengdu, the capital of south west China's Sichuan province have been spotted sporting quirky antenna hairpins.


But in 1974, a three-minute encoded pictogram was transmitted using the large radio antenna at Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

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