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当前位置:首页 -> 7级英语阅读 - > 川普声称自费买了1000个汉堡?但这数字好像虚...
添加时间:2019-01-21 08:53:25 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Donald Trump1 laid on hundreds of burgers amid a feast of fast food for Clemson University's football team at the White House on Monday evening.


    Amid a government shutdown now in its 25th day – the longest in history – many presidential staff remain furloughed, forcing Mr Trump to set the menu for the visit of the Clemson Tigers, who won the national championship last year.

    在政府关闭的第25天 -这也是历史上最长的一次- 许多政府职员仍持续停岗,迫使特朗普得自己为去年赢得全国冠军的克莱姆森老虎队的访问准备了菜单。

    Mr Trump, a fast food lover, said he even paid for their meal himself. He did not disclose the tab.


    An impressive – and highly unusual – White House smorgasbord greeted the players. Silver trays held stacks of wrapped burgers from Wendy's. Also on offer were boxed burgers from McDonalds' , including Big Macs.

    一个令人印象深刻而且非常不寻常的景象出现了 - 白宫用快餐大杂烩迎接球员们。银托盘里夹着来自Wendy的汉堡。另外还有来自麦当劳的盒装汉堡,包括巨无霸。

    Asked what his favourite food on display was, Mr Trump, stood in front of an 1869 portrait of Abraham Lincoln, told reporters: “I like it all, it's all good stuff. Great American food … I like em all, if it's American I like, it's all American stuff, but it's good stuff.”


    He continued: “But I'll bet you as much food as we have – we have pizzas, we have 300 hamburgers, many many french fries, all of our favourite foods – I wanna see what's here when we leave, because I don't think it's gonna be much.”

    他接着说:“但我打赌,虽然我们有这么多食物 - 我们有比萨饼,我们有300个汉堡包,很多炸薯条,都是我们最喜欢的食物 - 我想看看我们离开时的情况,因为我不觉得会剩多少。”

    Mr Trump later praised himself for selecting the menu, and upped the number of burgers he claimed to have provided from 300 to 1,000.


    “I had a choice – do we have no food for you or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make along with … the second lady,” Mr Trump said, according to Yahoo News.

    据雅虎新闻报道,特朗普先生说:“我有一个选择 - 不给你们任何食物,或者准备一些快速的沙拉,第一夫人与第二夫人会一起制作。”

    “I said you guys aren't into salads. Or, do I … go out and send out for about 1,000 hamburgers. So that's what we did.”


     7级    双语 
     单词标签: trump 


    1 trump [trʌmp] LU1zK   第10级
    • He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown. 他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
    • The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。

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