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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 32
添加时间:2023-12-29 10:00:08 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • The Pass List Is Out

    WITH the end of June came the close of the term and the close of Miss Stacy’s rule in Avonlea school. Anne and Diana walked home that evening feeling very sober indeed. Red eyes and damp handkerchiefs bore convincing testimony1 to the fact that Miss Stacy’s farewell words must have been quite as touching as Mr. Phillips’s had been under similar circumstances three years before. Diana looked back at the schoolhouse from the foot of the spruce hill and sighed deeply.

    “It does seem as if it was the end of everything, doesn’t it?” she said dismally2.

    “You oughtn’t to feel half as badly as I do,” said Anne, hunting vainly for a dry spot on her handkerchief. “You’ll be back again next winter, but I suppose I’ve left the dear old school forever—if I have good luck, that is.”

    “It won’t be a bit the same. Miss Stacy won’t be there, nor you nor Jane nor Ruby3 probably. I shall have to sit all alone, for I couldn’t bear to have another deskmate after you. Oh, we have had jolly times, haven’t we, Anne? It’s dreadful to think they’re all over.”

    Two big tears rolled down by Diana’s nose.

    “If you would stop crying I could,” said Anne imploringly4. “Just as soon as I put away my hanky I see you brimming up and that starts me off again. As Mrs. Lynde says, ‘If you can’t be cheerful, be as cheerful as you can.’ After all, I dare say I’ll be back next year. This is one of the times I know I’m not going to pass. They’re getting alarmingly frequent.”

    “Why, you came out splendidly in the exams Miss Stacy gave.”

    “Yes, but those exams didn’t make me nervous. When I think of the real thing you can’t imagine what a horrid5 cold fluttery feeling comes round my heart. And then my number is thirteen and Josie Pye says it’s so unlucky. I am not superstitious6 and I know it can make no difference. But still I wish it wasn’t thirteen.”

    “I do wish I was going in with you,” said Diana. “Wouldn’t we have a perfectly7 elegant time? But I suppose you’ll have to cram8 in the evenings.”

    “No; Miss Stacy has made us promise not to open a book at all. She says it would only tire and confuse us and we are to go out walking and not think about the exams at all and go to bed early. It’s good advice, but I expect it will be hard to follow; good advice is apt to be, I think. Prissy Andrews told me that she sat up half the night every night of her Entrance week and crammed9 for dear life; and I had determined10 to sit up at least as long as she did. It was so kind of your Aunt Josephine to ask me to stay at Beechwood while I’m in town.”

    “You’ll write to me while you’re in, won’t you?”

    “I’ll write Tuesday night and tell you how the first day goes,” promised Anne.

    “I’ll be haunting the post office Wednesday,” vowed11 Diana.

    Anne went to town the following Monday and on Wednesday Diana haunted the post office, as agreed, and got her letter.

    “Dearest Diana” [wrote Anne],

    “Here it is Tuesday night and I’m writing this in the library at Beechwood. Last night I was horribly lonesome all alone in my room and wished so much you were with me. I couldn’t ‘cram’ because I’d promised Miss Stacy not to, but it was as hard to keep from opening my history as it used to be to keep from reading a story before my lessons were learned.

    “This morning Miss Stacy came for me and we went to the Academy, calling for Jane and Ruby and Josie on our way. Ruby asked me to feel her hands and they were as cold as ice. Josie said I looked as if I hadn’t slept a wink12 and she didn’t believe I was strong enough to stand the grind of the teacher’s course even if I did get through. There are times and seasons even yet when I don’t feel that I’ve made any great headway in learning to like Josie Pye!

    “When we reached the Academy there were scores of students there from all over the Island. The first person we saw was Moody13 Spurgeon sitting on the steps and muttering away to himself. Jane asked him what on earth he was doing and he said he was repeating the multiplication14 table over and over to steady his nerves and for pity’s sake not to interrupt him, because if he stopped for a moment he got frightened and forgot everything he ever knew, but the multiplication table kept all his facts firmly in their proper place!

    “When we were assigned to our rooms Miss Stacy had to leave us. Jane and I sat together and Jane was so composed that I envied her. No need of the multiplication table for good, steady, sensible Jane! I wondered if I looked as I felt and if they could hear my heart thumping15 clear across the room. Then a man came in and began distributing the English examination sheets. My hands grew cold then and my head fairly whirled around as I picked it up. Just one awful moment—Diana, I felt exactly as I did four years ago when I asked Marilla if I might stay at Green Gables—and then everything cleared up in my mind and my heart began beating again—I forgot to say that it had stopped altogether!—for I knew I could do something with that paper anyhow.

    “At noon we went home for dinner and then back again for history in the afternoon. The history was a pretty hard paper and I got dreadfully mixed up in the dates. Still, I think I did fairly well today. But oh, Diana, tomorrow the geometry exam comes off and when I think of it it takes every bit of determination I possess to keep from opening my Euclid. If I thought the multiplication table would help me any I would recite it from now till tomorrow morning.

    “I went down to see the other girls this evening. On my way I met Moody Spurgeon wandering distractedly around. He said he knew he had failed in history and he was born to be a disappointment to his parents and he was going home on the morning train; and it would be easier to be a carpenter than a minister, anyhow. I cheered him up and persuaded him to stay to the end because it would be unfair to Miss Stacy if he didn’t. Sometimes I have wished I was born a boy, but when I see Moody Spurgeon I’m always glad I’m a girl and not his sister.

    “Ruby was in hysterics when I reached their boardinghouse; she had just discovered a fearful mistake she had made in her English paper. When she recovered we went uptown and had an ice cream. How we wished you had been with us.

    “Oh, Diana, if only the geometry examination were over! But there, as Mrs. Lynde would say, the sun will go on rising and setting whether I fail in geometry or not. That is true but not especially comforting. I think I’d rather it didn’t go on if I failed!

    “Yours devotedly16,


    The geometry examination and all the others were over in due time and Anne arrived home on Friday evening, rather tired but with an air of chastened triumph about her. Diana was over at Green Gables when she arrived and they met as if they had been parted for years.

    “You old darling, it’s perfectly splendid to see you back again. It seems like an age since you went to town and oh, Anne, how did you get along?”

    “Pretty well, I think, in everything but the geometry. I don’t know whether I passed in it or not and I have a creepy, crawly presentiment17 that I didn’t. Oh, how good it is to be back! Green Gables is the dearest, loveliest spot in the world.”

    “How did the others do?”

    “The girls say they know they didn’t pass, but I think they did pretty well. Josie says the geometry was so easy a child of ten could do it! Moody Spurgeon still thinks he failed in history and Charlie says he failed in algebra18. But we don’t really know anything about it and won’t until the pass list is out. That won’t be for a fortnight. Fancy living a fortnight in such suspense19! I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up until it is over.”

    Diana knew it would be useless to ask how Gilbert Blythe had fared, so she merely said:

    “Oh, you’ll pass all right. Don’t worry.”

    “I’d rather not pass at all than not come out pretty well up on the list,” flashed Anne, by which she meant—and Diana knew she meant—that success would be incomplete and bitter if she did not come out ahead of Gilbert Blythe.

    With this end in view Anne had strained every nerve during the examinations. So had Gilbert. They had met and passed each other on the street a dozen times without any sign of recognition and every time Anne had held her head a little higher and wished a little more earnestly that she had made friends with Gilbert when he asked her, and vowed a little more determinedly20 to surpass him in the examination. She knew that all Avonlea junior was wondering which would come out first; she even knew that Jimmy Glover and Ned Wright had a bet on the question and that Josie Pye had said there was no doubt in the world that Gilbert would be first; and she felt that her humiliation21 would be unbearable22 if she failed.

    But she had another and nobler motive23 for wishing to do well. She wanted to “pass high” for the sake of Matthew and Marilla—especially Matthew. Matthew had declared to her his conviction that she “would beat the whole Island.” That, Anne felt, was something it would be foolish to hope for even in the wildest dreams. But she did hope fervently24 that she would be among the first ten at least, so that she might see Matthew’s kindly25 brown eyes gleam with pride in her achievement. That, she felt, would be a sweet reward indeed for all her hard work and patient grubbing among unimaginative equations and conjugations.

    At the end of the fortnight Anne took to “haunting” the post office also, in the distracted company of Jane, Ruby, and Josie, opening the Charlottetown dailies with shaking hands and cold, sinkaway feelings as bad as any experienced during the Entrance week. Charlie and Gilbert were not above doing this too, but Moody Spurgeon stayed resolutely26 away.

    “I haven’t got the grit27 to go there and look at a paper in cold blood,” he told Anne. “I’m just going to wait until somebody comes and tells me suddenly whether I’ve passed or not.”

    When three weeks had gone by without the pass list appearing Anne began to feel that she really couldn’t stand the strain much longer. Her appetite failed and her interest in Avonlea doings languished28. Mrs. Lynde wanted to know what else you could expect with a Tory superintendent29 of education at the head of affairs, and Matthew, noting Anne’s paleness and indifference30 and the lagging steps that bore her home from the post office every afternoon, began seriously to wonder if he hadn’t better vote Grit at the next election.

    But one evening the news came. Anne was sitting at her open window, for the time forgetful of the woes31 of examinations and the cares of the world, as she drank in the beauty of the summer dusk, sweet-scented with flower breaths from the garden below and sibilant and rustling32 from the stir of poplars. The eastern sky above the firs was flushed faintly pink from the reflection of the west, and Anne was wondering dreamily if the spirit of color looked like that, when she saw Diana come flying down through the firs, over the log bridge, and up the slope, with a fluttering newspaper in her hand.

    Anne sprang to her feet, knowing at once what that paper contained. The pass list was out! Her head whirled and her heart beat until it hurt her. She could not move a step. It seemed an hour to her before Diana came rushing along the hall and burst into the room without even knocking, so great was her excitement.

    “Anne, you’ve passed,” she cried, “passed the very first—you and Gilbert both—you’re ties—but your name is first. Oh, I’m so proud!”

    Diana flung the paper on the table and herself on Anne’s bed, utterly33 breathless and incapable34 of further speech. Anne lighted the lamp, oversetting the match safe and using up half a dozen matches before her shaking hands could accomplish the task. Then she snatched up the paper. Yes, she had passed—there was her name at the very top of a list of two hundred! That moment was worth living for.

    “You did just splendidly, Anne,” puffed35 Diana, recovering sufficiently36 to sit up and speak, for Anne, starry37 eyed and rapt, had not uttered a word. “Father brought the paper home from Bright River not ten minutes ago—it came out on the afternoon train, you know, and won’t be here till tomorrow by mail—and when I saw the pass list I just rushed over like a wild thing. You’ve all passed, every one of you, Moody Spurgeon and all, although he’s conditioned in history. Jane and Ruby did pretty well—they’re halfway38 up—and so did Charlie. Josie just scraped through with three marks to spare, but you’ll see she’ll put on as many airs as if she’d led. Won’t Miss Stacy be delighted? Oh, Anne, what does it feel like to see your name at the head of a pass list like that? If it were me I know I’d go crazy with joy. I am pretty near crazy as it is, but you’re as calm and cool as a spring evening.”

    “I’m just dazzled inside,” said Anne. “I want to say a hundred things, and I can’t find words to say them in. I never dreamed of this—yes, I did too, just once! I let myself think once, ‘What if I should come out first?’ quakingly, you know, for it seemed so vain and presumptuous39 to think I could lead the Island. Excuse me a minute, Diana. I must run right out to the field to tell Matthew. Then we’ll go up the road and tell the good news to the others.”

    They hurried to the hayfield below the barn where Matthew was coiling hay, and, as luck would have it, Mrs. Lynde was talking to Marilla at the lane fence.

    “Oh, Matthew,” exclaimed Anne, “I’ve passed and I’m first—or one of the first! I’m not vain, but I’m thankful.”

    “Well now, I always said it,” said Matthew, gazing at the pass list delightedly. “I knew you could beat them all easy.”

    “You’ve done pretty well, I must say, Anne,” said Marilla, trying to hide her extreme pride in Anne from Mrs. Rachel’s critical eye. But that good soul said heartily40:

    “I just guess she has done well, and far be it from me to be backward in saying it. You’re a credit to your friends, Anne, that’s what, and we’re all proud of you.”

    That night Anne, who had wound up the delightful41 evening with a serious little talk with Mrs. Allan at the manse, knelt sweetly by her open window in a great sheen of moonshine and murmured a prayer of gratitude42 and aspiration43 that came straight from her heart. There was in it thankfulness for the past and reverent44 petition for the future; and when she slept on her white pillow her dreams were as fair and bright and beautiful as maidenhood45 might desire.


    1 testimony [ˈtestɪməni] zpbwO   第7级
    • The testimony given by him is dubious. 他所作的证据是可疑的。
    • He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said. 他被传入为警官所说的话作证。
    2 dismally ['dɪzməlɪ] cdb50911b7042de000f0b2207b1b04d0   第8级
    • Fei Little Beard assented dismally. 费小胡子哭丧着脸回答。 来自子夜部分
    • He began to howl dismally. 它就凄凉地吠叫起来。 来自辞典例句
    3 ruby [ˈru:bi] iXixS   第7级
    • She is wearing a small ruby earring. 她戴着一枚红宝石小耳环。
    • On the handle of his sword sat the biggest ruby in the world. 他的剑柄上镶有一颗世上最大的红宝石。
    4 imploringly [ɪmp'lɔ:rɪŋlɪ] imploringly   第9级
    adv. 恳求地, 哀求地
    • He moved his lips and looked at her imploringly. 他嘴唇动着,哀求地看着她。
    • He broke in imploringly. 他用恳求的口吻插了话。
    5 horrid [ˈhɒrɪd] arozZj   第10级
    • I'm not going to the horrid dinner party. 我不打算去参加这次讨厌的宴会。
    • The medicine is horrid and she couldn't get it down. 这种药很难吃,她咽不下去。
    6 superstitious [ˌsu:pəˈstɪʃəs] BHEzf   第9级
    • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief. 他们的目的在于解脱那些受迷信束缚的人。
    • These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. 这些迷信做法应尽早取消。
    7 perfectly [ˈpɜ:fɪktli] 8Mzxb   第8级
    • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said. 证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
    • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board. 我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
    8 cram [kræm] 6oizE   第8级
    vi. 狼吞虎咽地吃东西;死记硬背功课 vt. 填满,塞满;死记硬背;猛吃 n. 死记硬背;极度拥挤
    • There was such a cram in the church. 教堂里拥挤得要命。
    • The room's full, we can't cram any more people in. 屋里满满的,再也挤不进去人了。
    9 crammed [kræmd] e1bc42dc0400ef06f7a53f27695395ce   第8级
    adj.塞满的,挤满的;大口地吃;快速贪婪地吃v.把…塞满;填入;临时抱佛脚( cram的过去式)
    • He crammed eight people into his car. 他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。
    • All the shelves were crammed with books. 所有的架子上都堆满了书。
    10 determined [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnd] duszmP   第7级
    • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation. 我已决定毕业后去西藏。
    • He determined to view the rooms behind the office. 他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
    11 vowed [] 6996270667378281d2f9ee561353c089   第7级
    • He vowed quite solemnly that he would carry out his promise. 他非常庄严地发誓要实现他的诺言。
    • I vowed to do more of the cooking myself. 我发誓自己要多动手做饭。
    12 wink [wɪŋk] 4MGz3   第7级
    • He tipped me the wink not to buy at that price. 他眨眼暗示我按那个价格就不要买。
    • The satellite disappeared in a wink. 瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了。
    13 moody [ˈmu:di] XEXxG   第9级
    • He relapsed into a moody silence. 他又重新陷于忧郁的沉默中。
    • I'd never marry that girl. She's so moody. 我决不会和那女孩结婚的。她太易怒了。
    14 multiplication [ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃn] i15yH   第9级
    • Our teacher used to drum our multiplication tables into us. 我们老师过去老是让我们反覆背诵乘法表。
    • The multiplication of numbers has made our club building too small. 会员的增加使得我们的俱乐部拥挤不堪。
    15 thumping [ˈθʌmpɪŋ] hgUzBs   第8级
    • Her heart was thumping with emotion. 她激动得心怦怦直跳。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    • He was thumping the keys of the piano. 他用力弹钢琴。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
    16 devotedly [dɪ'vəʊtɪdlɪ] 62e53aa5b947a277a45237c526c87437   第8级
    专心地; 恩爱地; 忠实地; 一心一意地
    • He loved his wife devotedly. 他真诚地爱他的妻子。
    • Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly. 千百万观众非常着迷地收看这部电视连续剧。
    17 presentiment [prɪˈzentɪmənt] Z18zB   第12级
    • He had a presentiment of disaster. 他预感会有灾难降临。
    • I have a presentiment that something bad will happen. 我有某种不祥事要发生的预感。
    18 algebra [ˈældʒɪbrə] MKRyW   第9级
    • He was not good at algebra in middle school. 他中学时不擅长代数。
    • The boy can't figure out the algebra problems. 这个男孩做不出这道代数题。
    19 suspense [səˈspens] 9rJw3   第8级
    • The suspense was unbearable. 这样提心吊胆的状况实在叫人受不了。
    • The director used ingenious devices to keep the audience in suspense. 导演用巧妙手法引起观众的悬念。
    20 determinedly [di'tə:mindli] f36257cec58d5bd4b23fb76b1dd9d64f   第7级
    • "Don't shove me,'said one of the strikers, determinedly. "I'm not doing anything." “别推我,"其中的一个罢工工人坚决地说,"我可没干什么。” 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
    • Dorothy's chin set determinedly as she looked calmly at him. 多萝西平静地看着他,下巴绷得紧紧的,看来是打定主意了。 来自名作英译部分
    21 humiliation [hju:ˌmɪlɪ'eɪʃn] Jd3zW   第7级
    • He suffered the humiliation of being forced to ask for his cards.他蒙受了被迫要求辞职的羞辱。
    • He will wish to revenge his humiliation in last Season's Final.他会为在上个季度的决赛中所受的耻辱而报复的。
    22 unbearable [ʌnˈbeərəbl] alCwB   第7级
    • It is unbearable to be always on thorns. 老是处于焦虑不安的情况中是受不了的。
    • The more he thought of it the more unbearable it became. 他越想越觉得无法忍受。
    23 motive [ˈməʊtɪv] GFzxz   第7级
    • The police could not find a motive for the murder. 警察不能找到谋杀的动机。
    • He had some motive in telling this fable. 他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。
    24 fervently ['fɜ:vəntlɪ] 8tmzPw   第8级
    • "Oh, I am glad!'she said fervently. “哦,我真高兴!”她热烈地说道。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • O my dear, my dear, will you bless me as fervently to-morrow?' 啊,我亲爱的,亲爱的,你明天也愿这样热烈地为我祝福么?” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
    25 kindly [ˈkaɪndli] tpUzhQ   第8级
    • Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable. 她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
    • A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
    26 resolutely ['rezəlju:tli] WW2xh   第7级
    • He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting. 他坚持他在会上所说的话。
    • He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties. 他不是果敢地去面对困难,而是抱怨自己运气不佳。
    27 grit [grɪt] LlMyH   第9级
    n.沙粒,决心,勇气;vt.下定决心,咬紧牙关; 研磨;vi. 摩擦作声
    • The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit. 士兵们表现得很有勇气。
    • I've got some grit in my shoe. 我的鞋子里弄进了一些砂子。
    28 languished [ˈlæŋgwɪʃt] 661830ab5cc19eeaa1acede1c2c0a309   第8级
    长期受苦( languish的过去式和过去分词 ); 受折磨; 变得(越来越)衰弱; 因渴望而变得憔悴或闷闷不乐
    • Our project languished during the holidays. 我们的计划在假期间推动得松懈了。
    • He languished after his dog died. 他狗死之后,人憔悴了。
    29 superintendent [ˌsu:pərɪnˈtendənt] vsTwV   第9级
    • He was soon promoted to the post of superintendent of Foreign Trade. 他很快就被擢升为对外贸易总监。
    • He decided to call the superintendent of the building. 他决定给楼房管理员打电话。
    30 indifference [ɪnˈdɪfrəns] k8DxO   第8级
    • I was disappointed by his indifference more than somewhat. 他的漠不关心使我很失望。
    • He feigned indifference to criticism of his work. 他假装毫不在意别人批评他的作品。
    31 woes [wəʊz] 887656d87afcd3df018215107a0daaab   第7级
    困境( woe的名词复数 ); 悲伤; 我好苦哇; 某人就要倒霉
    • Thanks for listening to my woes. 谢谢您听我诉说不幸的遭遇。
    • She has cried the blues about its financial woes. 对于经济的困难她叫苦不迭。
    32 rustling [ˈrʌslɪŋ] c6f5c8086fbaf68296f60e8adb292798   第9级
    n. 瑟瑟声,沙沙声 adj. 发沙沙声的
    • the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze 树木在微风中发出的沙沙声
    • the soft rustling of leaves 树叶柔和的沙沙声
    33 utterly ['ʌtəli:] ZfpzM1   第9级
    • Utterly devoted to the people, he gave his life in saving his patients. 他忠于人民,把毕生精力用于挽救患者的生命。
    • I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled. 她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。
    34 incapable [ɪnˈkeɪpəbl] w9ZxK   第8级
    • He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed. 他不会做出这么残忍的事。
    • Computers are incapable of creative thought. 计算机不会创造性地思维。
    35 puffed [pʌft] 72b91de7f5a5b3f6bdcac0d30e24f8ca   第7级
    adj.疏松的v.使喷出( puff的过去式和过去分词 );喷着汽(或烟)移动;吹嘘;吹捧
    • He lit a cigarette and puffed at it furiously. 他点燃了一支香烟,狂吸了几口。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • He felt grown-up, puffed up with self-importance. 他觉得长大了,便自以为了不起。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    36 sufficiently [sə'fɪʃntlɪ] 0htzMB   第8级
    • It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently. 原来他没有给房屋投足保险。
    • The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views. 新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点。
    37 starry [ˈstɑ:ri] VhWzfP   第11级
    adj.星光照耀的, 闪亮的
    • He looked at the starry heavens. 他瞧着布满星星的天空。
    • I like the starry winter sky. 我喜欢这满天星斗的冬夜。
    38 halfway [ˌhɑ:fˈweɪ] Xrvzdq   第8级
    • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark. 走到半路,天就黑了。
    • In study the worst danger is give up halfway. 在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
    39 presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 6Q3xk   第10级
    • It would be presumptuous for anybody to offer such a view. 任何人提出这种观点都是太放肆了。
    • It was presumptuous of him to take charge. 他自拿主张,太放肆了。
    40 heartily [ˈhɑ:tɪli] Ld3xp   第8级
    • He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse. 他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
    • The host seized my hand and shook it heartily. 主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
    41 delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl] 6xzxT   第8级
    • We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. 上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。
    • Peter played a delightful melody on his flute. 彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。
    42 gratitude [ˈgrætɪtju:d] p6wyS   第7级
    • I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him. 我向他表示了深切的谢意。
    • She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face. 她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。
    43 aspiration [ˌæspəˈreɪʃn] ON6z4   第7级
    • Man's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars. 人的志气应当象天上的星星那么高。
    • Young Addison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor. 年幼的爱迪生渴望成为一名发明家。
    44 reverent [ˈrevərənt] IWNxP   第10级
    • He gave reverent attention to the teacher. 他恭敬地听老师讲课。
    • She said the word artist with a gentle, understanding, reverent smile. 她说作家一词时面带高雅,理解和虔诚的微笑。
    45 maidenhood ['meɪdnhʊd] maidenhood   第7级
    n. 处女性, 处女时代

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