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" he cried dismally, "why ever did I do it?

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 34

She looked dismally about her narrow little room, with its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book-case; and a horrible choke came into her throat as she thought of her own white room at Green Gables, where she would have the pleasant consciousness of a great green still outdoors, of sweet peas growing in the garden, and moonlight falling on the orchard, of the brook below the slope and the spruce boughs tossing in the night wind beyond it, of a vast starry sky, a

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 32

" she said dismally.


Everything was dismally still.


The US scored first in influence and power, but slipped dismally in a key area: Just as the 2020 presidential election cycle heats up, the world's most powerful country hit a record low of 16 out of a 100-point scale in "trust.

My Left Foot 我的左脚

The wind howled dismally, whipping up little whirling columns of snow that rose and fell at every fresh gust.


" She also points out that, if the idea is supposed to benefit young readers, it fails dismally; calling every part of a woman's reproductive anatomy a "bottom", for example, could be very confusing to a child, and is therefore counter-productive.


He could see quite clearly how he had failed so dismally with Alice and how Tom had taken over so easily.


The few foot passengers astir in that quarter hurried dismally and silently along with coat collars turned high and pocketed hands.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-V

The weather was dismally dark, and inclined to rain; the clouds hung low, like a mourning veil on the tops of the mountains, and shrouded their glittering peaks.

安徒生童话英文版:Anne Lisbeth

A great black raven darted down in front of her on the high road, and croaked dismally.

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