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I could scarcely keep from laughing outright to see him struggling against the effects of the opiate.

英语世界文摘:Five Reasons to Explore Mars

If, as many scientists expect, future space missions cast doubt on that assumption or outright disprove it by finding remnants of microbial life on other planets, it will be both invigorating and illusion-shattering.

iPhone XI画风诡异

Clearly, the tech enthusiasts including the Apple fans rejected the design outright and now hoping for the best.

彻底禁用塑料无助环保 或增加温室气体排放量

An outright ban on plastics could cause even more harm to the environment and lead to triple the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.


An Amazon representative told the Telegraph that the company does not comment on rumors, but anything short of an outright denial means the store is probably happening.

乔布斯传 第94期:期权纷争(2)

He also later gave shares outright to employees he felt had been shortchanged, including Kottke, Fernandez, Wigginton, and Espinosa.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第4期:参加减重课程

Some others,however,are not very good at all and may even be outright dangerous,telling you to eat questionable concoctions or overextending yourself physically.


Offering alternatives or making plastic straws optional, rather than banning them outright, is a common trait among these campaigns.


Cowards leave comments that are outright sexist, ageist, racist, mean or cruel.


If your spouse asks you outright if you find your co-worker sexy, just say he or she is attractive but not your type.


" Only Austria has pushed for an outright halt to accession talks, amid concern in Germany and elsewhere that an abrupt break could jeopardise a controversial deal with Ankara that has helped curtail migrant flows into Europe.


And lastly, for the ambitious Annapurna, landing a Bond would be transformative and an outright show of force.


Britain is shuffling towards an outright rupture with the EU and an immigration clampdown that would weaken engagement with the world beyond.


"For the average viewer, [Veep] might seem *inane or just outright ridiculous.


Its chief financial officer has stressed that none of its clients have cut ties with the company, saying such outright rejections don't normally happen in Japan.


Three Australian airlines and the German carrier Lufthansa have outright banned their use onboard.


And any view less than outright bearish on China still requires guts in the current environment.


The state cannot allow for pure meritocracy and outright failure as sport can.


In fact, you may outright hate a few—but you don't have to.


One answer is that central banks possess many ways of delivering further monetary stimulus: low and even negative interest rates, asset purchases, forward guidance, higher inflation targets, outright monetary financing of government deficits, and direct dispatch of money to households.

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