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The bizarre names have divided the online community into two camps: Those that think the names are just outright stupid, and those that are fans of the tongue in cheek naming.


Analysts are cautious about endorsing all the claims of China's internet behemoths, and some are outright sceptical.


It also prohibits outright the commercial trade of these plants and animals.


" Outright bans also have been issued at schools such as American University and George Washington University, both in Washington, D.


We stop engaging in loving acts and we may even outright reject our partner by avoiding spending time together.


Here are 11 signs that your dad had narcissistic tendencies or was an outright narcissist: 11: 1.


On Oct 20, the Atlantic magazine even zeroed in on certain dress codes as being outright "sexist".


Several hundred applicants won outright but several hundred more were chosen by lottery from the runners-up.


"We actively oppose inferior and outright bad patient care, and instances when technology can be abused in a way that leaves patients misled, misinformed or confused about the state of their own health.


The country is notorious as a market that big US internet companies, from Amazon to eBay to Google, have all failed to crack, either due to being blocked outright or outmanoeuvred by a local competitor.


Robins is careful not to say no outright, but rather to look for an alternative.


O never give the heart outright, For they, for all smooth lips can say, Have given their hearts up to the play.

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By comparison, it would take nearly a quarter-century of earnings to buy a pad in Beijing's capital outright.


The outright winner of the naming ballot, with 15,177 votes, was a suggestion by an internet user identified as Qiao Chen for his rendering into Chinese of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, the village in Wales with the longest place name in Europe.

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" But some European officials had said that a "No" would be seen as an outright rejection of talks with creditors.


More troubling, Freedom House said, are more explicit rejections of democratic standards, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, "including the outright seizure and formal annexation of Crimea," which it noted as a "prime example.


In the South, they're outright political wolves.


Strictly speaking, the credit risk is not directly transferred as it would be under an outright sale, but the effect is much the same: you get the cash today, and we'll worry about the loan quality another day.

6大细节证明 你其实没那么聪明

You discourage people instead of lifting them up , You discourage people, not just by saying so outright but also by not giving them the time of day.


Couples should never tell guests outright that they want money.

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