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" "To offset the detrimental effect of fat loss on your bones, it may be important to include high impact exercise as well, such as running or jumping.


Several scholars have claimed that left-handedness is not related to any advantage in cognitive skills, and may even exert detrimental effects on general cognitive function and, hence, academic achievement.


" Like other studies before it, the researchers also found that keeping secrets can have detrimental consequences for a person's well-being.


The findings show that social influence "tends to operate more in detrimental directions, especially for BMI", said the authors.


The data found that listing The Bible proves detrimental for both sexes while listing Fifty Shades of Grey results in women getting 16% fewer messages and Harry Potter losing men up to 55%.


" "This study shows that the opposite is true and malnutrition has a detrimental effect on people's mood.


He also cautions that the cost of establishing campuses abroad can be detrimental to the home campus.


And this growing isolation is detrimental to a person's health — socially isolated people are more likely to die in the next seven years.


" That trend, which has been detrimental to Apple's sales in China in particular, is helping buoy some of the top suppliers: not just those with brand names such as Sony, but also the companies investing in research and development to gain market share in niche or proprietary hardware.


New research perpetrated by Jihae Shin of the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Katherine Milkman from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that having a Plan B may be detrimental to your chances of success.


The nature of the dispute and, in particular, the manner in which it was conducted, irrespective of any comments alleged to have been made, is adjudged to be not only of concern to the public but viewed by us as detrimental to the standing of our company, unbecoming of a manager of our brand and prejudicial to our good name, Daimler said.


He said: 'Our study provides further proof of the detrimental effect of media devices on both sleep duration and quality.


'The closer you sit to a radiator, the more detrimental it may be, ,.


- A Gracious Attitude Can Be Detrimental to Your Well-Being - Is being a polite a bad thing?


China is to tie education spending to children's place of residence for the first time, in a bid to end a system detrimental to migrants that threatens to leave the country with an ill-educated urban underclass.


Office romance can be detrimental to your career.


Further, previous research has shown that decreased transcription fluency can have a detrimental effect on text quality, so the key might be trying to find a pace that allows you to consider your language adequately without slowing down too much.


This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have a detrimental effect on business dealings.


The distracting pull of digital devices and the detrimental effect that has on our ability to concentrate is well documented.

经营感情的奥秘 摒弃10个坏习惯

A paradox of most forms of couples therapy is that you spend your sessions complaining about your partner—something that can actually be detrimental to your relationship.

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