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" I'm hoping that soon they will prove that not making your bed is indeed detrimental to mites… or, you know, any reason to not make your bed.


In my new book, Stop Giving It Away, I write about a pervasive problem I call Detrimental Caretaking.


This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have a detrimental effect on business dealings.


A top parenting expert has warned mothers that being too possessive of their sons and not letting men be strong father figures can be detrimental to their boys' upbringing.

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And an extra hour - as unlikely as that may be for many of us - also has the same detrimental effect.


Fascination with heavy metal rock greatly enhanced the appeal of men, but it proved detrimental to that of women.


Why it's so detrimental?


"Staying 'switched on' might increase flexibility and efficiency at first glance, but in the long run, it can result in longer work hours and can be detrimental to wellbeing due to stress and work-life balance issues, "she said.


Writing in the journal Scientific Reports, the researchers said: 'As pessimism and neuroticism are detrimental to the formation, quality and stability of relationships, this connection between the G allele and psychological disorders might decrease carriers' dating opportunities or lead to romantic relationship failure.


" 'Or, conversely, less attractive people may be less likely to use health-care services because they are concerned about being judged or stigmatised, as in the case of overweight or obese individuals, which obviously has a detrimental effect on their health.


Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental.


"I'm sure there are some detrimental effects of staying still for too long, but I hope that being active when I can helps," he said.


These unrealistic images of women, who are often airbrushed or partially computer generated, have a detrimental impact on women and how they feel about themselves," Mintz said.

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