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The film, which has been nagged by criticism over its portrayal of President Lyndon Johnson, managed just two nominations.

《鸟人》 何处再起飞

The 63-year-old American actor first gained fame for his portrayal of the Gotham hero in Tim Burton's Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992).


Hollywood reinforced the image of Cleopatra as a vamp starting with Theda Bara's seductive portrayal in 1917.


The first two episodes of Tiny Times, the directing debut of author Guo Jingming, raked in 800 million yuan at the box office last year in spite of criticism for its portrayal of lavish lifestyles.


First-time nominee Lizzy Caplan got the nod for her portrayal of Virginia Johnson on the Showtime series 'Masters of Sex.

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