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旅游热升温 中国游客涌入帕劳

"The corals here are more beautiful than Sanya (on Hainan)," the 46-year-old told AFP, scrolling through photos on his phone of a $1,400 helicopter trip over Palau's Seventy Islands that he took his family on.


The messages are then projected onto the screen, so that at any given time the scene may be overlaid with multiple "bullets," or comments, scrolling across the screen.


"Try to avoid scrolling through anything with the screen facing you, so that the other person can't see it, or it will look as if you're hiding something.


The studies examined how college students evaluated moods, and by scrolling through attractive pictures, braggy status updates, accomplished BIOS, and seemingly 'perfect lives' on Facebook, the students became miserable and depressed about their own lives.

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