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This Indian villager is addicted to eating bricks, gravel and mud, stomaching at least three kilos of his surroundings every day.

格林童话英文版:Master Pfriem

It ought to have gravel in it, not sand.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

Back of the merchant's yard there was some low ground which was to be filled up for building lots; gravel and ashes were carted and tipped out there.

Disaster on a Mountain

They headed for their cabin, zigzagging forty miles up and down the mountains in their Bronco, from pavement to gravel to a narrow one-lane road of brittle shale and powdery dirt that wound terrifyingly close to cliffs.

安徒生童话英文版-7 The Travelling Companion(1835)

John saw them fly away out of the green trees into the wide world, and he longed to fly with them; but first he cut out a large wooden cross, to place on his father's grave; and when he brought it there in the evening, he found the grave decked out with gravel and flowers.

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