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What's more, the brain doesn't seem to register liquid calories as accurately as calories that are chewed, and it doesn't send stop-eating signals to keep you from eating more food.


It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble.

英语名人名言: Quotations 语录

A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely.

英语名人名言: Poetry 诗歌

Examine nature accurately, but write from recollection, and trust more to the imagination than the memory.

英语小说:Between Rounds

A hunk of Swiss cheese accurately thrown by her husband struck Mrs.

美剧中50句经典俚语 3

Example: As a botanist, he has to describe and draw plants accurately, so he must have an eye for detail.


Use a Packlist – Using lists lets you perform repetitive tasks quicker and more accurately.


Both men and women were able to accurately evaluate the intelligence of men by viewing facial photographs, they discovered.

安徒生童话英文版:The Will-o’-the-Wisp Is in the Town

In the middle of the room sat the old woman who had the management of the whole, and who knew accurately about every egg that was laid, and about every chicken that could creep out of an egg.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Introduction

IT is a strange thing, when I feel most fervently and most deeply, my hands and my tongue seem alike tied, so that I cannot rightly describe or accurately portray the thoughts that are rising within me; and yet I am a painter; my eye tells me as much as that, and all my friends who have seen my sketches and fancies say the same.


Our ancestors had, earlier than the westerners, learned how to calculate workdays accurately and reasonably.

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