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"The impact here can be quite significant in giving users tools to do that more accurately.


If you don't know how much money you need to live the lifestyle you feel comfortable with, you can't accurately project whether switching jobs for a $10K pay bump is actually a good deal.

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Second, we need to develop markets that help get to zero carbon emissions, with models that more accurately recognise the full impact of emitting carbon (including health and environmental factors).


The man who can predict accurately the smell or color of the vapor which arises when two substances are mixed excites his fellow citizens far more than one who tries to predict the result of the slash of two personalities.


Present information clearly and accurately.


Both men and women were able to accurately evaluate the intelligence of men by viewing facial photographs, they discovered.


58% error rate on a test which asked contestants to accurately recognise a series of images from a large picture database.


All people experience emotions, but it is a select few who can accurately identify them as they occur.


"Those conversations never left me," he explained over a recent lunch, adding that his "value as a pollster" is his ability to write questions in the language of these men and women and to hear the answers accurately.


Compared to those who perceived their weight accurately, young people who wrongly perceived themselves as being overweight had a 40 per cent greater risk of becoming obese as adults.

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Wu in an interview — you'd expect a Facebook-based algorithm to be able to predict Facebook behavior accurately.


Example: As a botanist, he has to describe and draw plants accurately, so he must have an eye for detail.


Until we can predict college returns more accurately, students and their families should think in terms of reducing investment risk, says Richard Vedder, an Ohio University professor and director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, a Washington-based advocacy group.


"In order to accurately target audiences and find emotional resonance with them, more and more female writers are emerging in the industry," says Peng about her experience of exchanging ideas with South Korean colleagues.


They found that the accuracy varied between the pairs with one managing to accurately hit 83 per cent of the pirate ships.


Only with the serving size can you accurately assess the number of calories you consume when you eat a food or drink a beverage.


Follow your plan accurately and persistently.


First-class noticers differ from most of us in that they move beyond the limitations that Danny so accurately describes.


Once it's safely stored, spaced repetition will help to strengthen the connection so we can recall the information faster and more accurately.


Example: As a botanist, he has to describe and draw plants accurately, so he must have an eye for detail.

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