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哈克贝利•费恩历险记-4 公爵和国王

Then, one morning,justafter it was light,I found a littlecanoe,so I got into it and went over tothe side of the river.

哈克贝利•费恩历险记-3 哈克和吉姆向南旅行

Jimsaid,'Why don't you wear the old dressand the hat that we found in the house?

亡灵岛5-A Dead Man 亡灵

The police found theburned car and thought I was dead.

亡灵岛1-Coming to England 来到英格兰

'I think I've found someone,'shewas saying.

象人7-The Last Letter 最后一封信

Six months later, in April 1890, I found him dead in bed.

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