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英语名人名言: Justice 公正

Tolkien (1892 - 1973), The Lord Of the Rings, Book Four, Chapter One Gossip and reputation make sure that what comes around-a person who is cruel will find that the others are cruel hack to him, and a person who is kind will find others are kind in return.

美国新闻主播辱华 华裔参议员要求其辞职

During an episode of the "The Five," Beckel said: "As usual, we bring them over here and teach a bunch of Chinamen -- Chinese people -- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.

格林童话英文版:The Juniper-Tree

In his right claw he had the chain and in his left the shoes, and he flew far away to a mill, and the mill went, klipp klapp, klipp klapp, klipp klapp, and in the mill sat twenty miller's men hewing a stone, and cutting, hick hack, hick hack, hick hack, and the mill went klipp klapp, klipp klapp'klipp klapp.

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