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I always say a Scorpio might spy on you, but an Aquarius will actually hack you.


The government hack of an iPhone used by a San Bernardino killer serves as a reminder that phones and other electronic devices aren't impenetrable vaults.


And the fact that nobody has yet conducted a successful hack on a US utility, say, is one reason for comfort.


Then, this simple hack helped.


Then, this simple hack helped.


An Australian woman has accidentally become a viral online sensation after sharing an image of a 'life hack' which has shown people worldwide they've been using chopsticks wrong all their lives.


I'm fully(well) aware of that You don't have to tell me I wasn't born yesterday Beats me You got me You got that right I can't hack this (hack ) ?


It is a good hack to leave one obvious mistake that is easy to solve; your boss and coworkers can see it and tell you about (and feel they've contributed).


Thankfully, as with so many other life problems, there's a hack for that.


Reddit user Brendan managed to hack into his parents' phones and apply a shortcut that meant when someone typed 'no' it automatically changed to 'hell yes'.


Although it was in production long before the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment cyber attack and the iCloud photo hack that exposed personal photos of celebrities, the subject is clearly gaining significance.


Such nine- to 12-week accelerated programs, including Dev Bootcamp, Hackbright Academy, and Hack Reactor, arm students with the fundamental skills needed to compete as engineers -- no previous coding experience required.


Even more interesting is that avocados are the ultimate life hack fruit: when you eat an avocado with other vegetables, you absorb more nutrients from the meal than you would have from eating the vegetables alone.


It's just a little 'hack' but one that can make all the difference at the end of a long hot afternoon.


Hack away at the unessential.


If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blundering discourtesy of better, though less educated minds; who, like blunt weapons, tear and hack instead of cutting clean, who mistake the point in argument, waste their strength on trifles, misconceive their adversary, and leave the question more involved than they find it.


After three and a half years with Outward Bound, I was ready to go hack to school.


Imperva, a data security firm, said it had analysed around 32 million passwords that had been exposed in a recent hack of the RockYou website.

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