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I had had a lot of fun going for picnics, learning to swim and climbing mountains.


some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words the better.


Not learning to speak a foreign language properly 12.


Always Be Learning – You may have just finished school, but don't think you are done learning.


See, by learning each other's languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other's cultures, Mr.

爱情与金钱-4 Chapter

We're learning a lot,but I need some coffee.

勃朗特一家的故事-4 长大

The girls and Branwell were learning to play the piano, and Bran-well played the music in church.

勃朗特一家的故事-3 小书

They were clever children,quick at learning.

勃朗特一家的故事-2 考恩桥学校

I waited for her letters,and wondered what new things she was learning.

格林•盖布尔斯的安妮-4 安妮还有更多的麻烦

'Well, I think I'm learning, Marilla, 'answered Anne.

Remember, We're Raising Children, Not Flowers!

Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about.

哈克贝利•费恩历险记-1 哈克遇到麻烦

Iwent to school most of the time and I was learning to read and write a little.

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