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And more students would create billion-dollar companies if they didn't spend three years on Facebook The Glass Bead Game Lots of abstruse games are played at university, it's true, but for some reason Hermann Hesse makes almost no mention of banter, chat, chundering, the lash, gap years, VK apple, jaegerbombs, lads or Ladiators Zuleika Dobson Max Beerbohm's total babe goes to Oxford, doesn't immediately put out, becomes a totem pole of obsession for all the men at the university.

中国历史名人:Hu Shi胡适

He was engaged in the study of the history of vernacular literature and textual research of novels in zhanghui style, writing A History of Vernacular Literature (first volume), and textual research works on A Dream of Red Mansions, Heroes of the Marshes and Flowers in the Mirror, among which Textual Research on A Dream of Red Mansions repudiated the old Hongloumeng scholarship concerned with searching for hidden meanings by delving into the abstruse and inaugurated the new school of studies of H

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