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Each industry has its own jargon–terminology, acronyms, and initialisms that only make sense to people who are familiar with the field.

乔布斯传 第62期:奇迹从车库开始(3)

"We could hear them talking in advanced business talk," he recalled, "", "using businesslike acronyms we'd never heard before.


A number of internet slang acronyms such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), ICYMI (in case you missed it), TBH (to be honest), and FWIW (for what it's worth) also make the list.


To conserve space use bullet points, active verbs, and industry-specific acronyms, and don't state the obvious (e.


Note: Abbreviations traditionally are written in all capital letters in English, like acronyms, but when they are used in texting, chat rooms, or on social media they are more commonly written in all lowercase letters.

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