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"Stick up your tail like a sail and the wind will blow you ashore!


Been thrown into a canal—swam ashore!


I swim ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a whole pocketful of money and an excellent breakfast!


" The Rat brought the boat alongside the bank, made her fast, helped the still awkward Mole safely ashore, and swung out the luncheon-basket.


The sheer volume of fish that washed ashore created a silver blanket along a stretch of beach about a kilometre long.


Their bodies were washed ashore soon afterwards.


Every little while up here I see guys signing checks and voting the right ticket, and encouraging the arts and taking a bath every morning, that was shoved ashore by a dock labourer born in the United States who never earned over forty dollars a month.


We'll get ashore, now.


The crowd swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed far and near with shoutings and laughter.


At the end of a long twelve or fifteen minutes the wheels stopped, and Tom slipped overboard and swam ashore in the dusk, landing fifty yards downstream, out of danger of possible stragglers.


You see a pirate don't have to do anything, Joe, when he's ashore, but a hermit he has to be praying considerable, and then he don't have any fun, anyway, all by himself that way.


He thought it was a piece of floating paper, perhaps part of the kite, and wondered idly how long it would take to drift ashore.

印尼海岸发现抹香鲸尸体 腹中满是塑料垃圾

A dead sperm whale that washed ashore in a national park in Indonesia had nearly 6kg (13 lbs) of plastic waste in its stomach, park officials say.


" The damage extended the length of the beach, which remains closed to visitors, though locals still waded in and two fishermen's boats came ashore as the sun set Tuesday, hauling a decent catch, including two large sea bass.


" Hit with a burst of rain and winds, the Americans washed ashore in Sarnia, Ontario.


By the last light of that day they steered into a natural harbour and anchored, but no one went ashore that night.


Caspian had ordered a cask of wine ashore, strong wine of Archenland which had to be mixed with water before you drank it, so there would be plenty for all.


That idiot Caspian wouldn't let us go ashore because it was getting dark and he was afraid of savages and wild beasts.


" And as soon as Caspian stepped ashore the crowd broke out into hurrahs and shouts of, "Narnia!


Why shouldn't we go ashore in the boat and send it back, and then we could walk across Felimath and let the Dawn Treader pick us up on the other side?

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