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To be on the Safe Side In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.


In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.


To be on the Safe Side In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.


In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.

1分钟讲26个英文笑话 打破吉尼斯世界纪录

Clive Greenaway managed to say 26 one-liners in 60 seconds in front of a live audience to claim the record.


In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.


In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer(,) .

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