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As a result, we feel awkward around others, because we feel there's nothing to impressive about ourselves.


Most people are awkward or nervous in social situations, so if you take the pressure off of them, they'll love you for it and see you as more attractive.

Perform In Front of The Adult 在大人们面前表演

It is the most awkward thing for children.


It will feel awkward at first, but soon comes naturally.


What is the most awkward moment that happened to you due to your clothes?


He felt awkward.


Did you feel comfortable pretty quickly or was it awkward for most of the night?


The next morning, when I went to school, my teacher asked us to hand in the homework, I did not finish, I was so awkward.


Exercise can be a little awkward, especially when you first start.


They went for lunch, and he would have felt awkward except that she knew completely how to take care of herself.


As they work out for a long time, their relatives will be very curious about them, they want to know how these young people are going on, so they will ask the awkward questions, such as they will ask them if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, how much is their salary, when will they buy the house…All of these questions are private, young people don't want to answer it, most of them just do the normal job and don't get the high salary.

Life Needs Humor

When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do?


New things feel awkward and scary at first, but those feelings go away, and you are left with something bigger and bolder in your life.

The Ugly Duckling

" The hunter took home the awkward little baby duck along with the two wild ducks.

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