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There's a relation between being lonely and blood clotting protein, which can lead to heart attacks.


'This is because green, leafy vegetables such as sprouts and spinach are high in vitamin K, a nutrient needed to make clotting factors in the body — the opposite of what warfarin does, which is to thin the blood.


Around 55 per cent of people are A, B, or AB and they are thought to be at greater risk of heart problems because their blood contains greater quantities of a clotting agent.


Around 55 per cent of people are A, B, or AB and they are thought to be at greater risk of heart problems because their blood contains greater quantities of a clotting agent.


The research, published in the February issues of Cancer Prevention Research, found that aspirin disrupts the normal clotting process by shutting down a key enzyme called COX-1, thereby blocking interactions between platelets and cancer cells and curbing the growth of tumors.


The research, published in the February issues of Cancer Prevention Research, found that aspirin disrupts the normal clotting process by shutting down a key enzyme called COX-1, thereby blocking interactions between platelets and cancer cells and curbing the growth of tumors.


Nutritional value is just a bonus, which makes the following even more exciting: In addition to offering upwards of 20 vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E (fights free radicals and boosts the immune system) and vitamin K (important for blood clotting and bone health), avocados can help your body better absorb nutrients like beta-carotene from other foods.

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