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When the electrics are shining and the pavements are alive with two hurrying streams of elegantly clothed men and beautiful women attired in the costliest costumes that wind in and out in a close maze of expensively—" "Never knew but one case in Topaz City," said the man from the West.


Dementia in China presents one of Earth's largest and costliest public-health crises, a slow-moving calamity of human suffering that also portends economic and political danger.


com — a global platform for students seeking accommodation overseas — found that New York, with an average weekly rent of $526, is the costliest destination for international students.

一千零一夜:Seventh and Last Voyage

When the ships at last arrived my master himself chose the one in which I was to sail, and put on board for me a great store of choice provisions, also ivory in abundance, and all the costliest curiosities of the country, for which I could not thank him enough, and so we parted.

一千零一夜:Sixth Voyage

All around, too, lay vast quantities of the costliest merchandise, and treasures were heaped in every cranny of the rocks, but all these things only added to the desolation of the scene.

格林童话英文版:Donkey Cabbages

Precious stones were glistening on every side so that it was a joy to see them, and together they gathered the finest and costliest of them.

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