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The number of instruments has increased to 12 drums, 12 gongs and 10 cymbals.


Accompanied by pounding drums and clashing cymbals, the lion devours the bundle, spits out the lettuce, and claims the cash.

The Enchanted Horse

" So the Sultan gave orders that the habits of mourning worn by the people should be thrown off and that there should be a concert of drums, trumpets and cymbals.

一千零一夜:Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

The Sultan sent musicians with trumpets and cymbals to meet them, so that the air resounded with music and cheers.

The Story of the First Calender, Son of a King

We reached the palace without anyone having noticed our absence, when, shortly after, a clashing of drums, and cymbals, and the blare of trumpets burst upon our astonished ears.

格林童话英文版:The Fisherman and His Wife

So the man went, and when he got there the whole palace was made of polished marble with alabaster figures and golden ornaments, and soldiers were marching before the door blowing trumpets, and beating cymbals and drums.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Twentieth Evening

It was only two days ago that the camel, adorned with furs and with costly shawls, had carried her, the beauteous bride, round the walls of the city, while drums and cymbals had sounded, the women sang, and festive shots, of which the bridegroom fired the greatest number, resounded round the camel; and now he was journeying with the caravan across the desert.

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