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Without that memory of Raffles she might still have thought only of monetary ruin, but now along with her brother's look and words there darted into her mind the idea of some guilt in her husband—then, under the working of terror came the image of her husband exposed to disgrace—and then, after an instant of scorching shame in which she felt only the eyes of the world, with one leap of her heart she was at his side in mournful but unreproaching fellowship with shame and isolation.


But now Celia was really startled at the suspicion which had darted into her mind.


Across all her imaginative adornment of those whom she loved, there darted now and then a keen discernment, which was not without a scorching quality.


He ran up against things, he fell over things and into things, he darted under things and dodged round things.


" A new idea now darted into Catherine's mind, and turning as pale as her friend, she exclaimed, "'Tis a messenger from Woodston!


An attempt at concealment had been her first instinctive movement on perceiving him, yet she could scarcely hope to have escaped his eye; and when her friend, who with an apologizing look darted hastily by her, had joined and disappeared with him, she ran for safety to her own room, and, locking herself in, believed that she should never have courage to go down again.


In this there was surely something mysterious, and she indulged in the flattering suggestion for half a minute, till the possibility of the door's having been at first unlocked, and of being herself its fastener, darted into her head, and cost her another blush.


" Catherine's understanding began to awake: an idea of the truth suddenly darted into her mind; and, with the natural blush of so new an emotion, she cried out, "Good heaven!


Thorpe would have darted after her, but Morland withheld him.


You are to thank your brother and me for the scheme; it darted into our heads at breakfast-time, I verily believe at the same instant; and we should have been off two hours ago if it had not been for this detestable rain.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

She sat so quiet that presently lizards darted over her feet, and some tiny birds like finches, frightened away at first, came back again and flitted among the bushes round her just as if she hadn't been there.

迷人四月天:Chapter 8

But he, who watched her every movement, when he saw her approaching the chairs darted after her and seized one and asked to be told where to put it.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

Beppo darted after him, making the night ring with his shouts, and caught the hanging reins just in time.


Josie descended from her perch, flushed with victory, and darted a defiant glance at Anne.


Blewett darted her eyes over Anne from head to foot.


From one to another the child's eyes darted, eager and wistful.


He made one final struggle with his pride, and then darted after his comrades, yelling: "Wait!


" The sand began to work, and presently a small black bug appeared for a second and then darted under again in a fright.


And again and again he darted in and pricked.

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