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Of course, many people who guzzle sugary drinks are overweight and eat poorly, two factors that can cause Type 2, but studies show even those who are trim and eat healthily are more likely to develop diabetes if they're also drinking lots of sugary drinks.


If a hurricane really does hit two years later and you dip into your ancient water bottle reservoir, can you really crack open one of those bottles and expect to guzzle it down risk-free?


Small quantities of caffeine may actually be beneficial for the skin but we know that those caffeine junkies who regularly guzzle tea and coffee throughout the day are more prone to dry and dehydrated skin as caffeine has a diuretic effect and draws water out of our cells, this can leave you with dull and lifeless looking skin.


The goats don't guzzle gas, pollute the air or make as much noise.


People tend to guzzle their calories and it really adds up, often more than they realize.

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