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Schwab found a strong correlation between lowing tongue fat volume and lessening sleep apnea: "Future studies could be designed to explore whether certain low-fat diets are better than others in reducing tongue fat, and whether cold therapies, like those used to reduce stomach fat, might be applied to reducing tongue fat.

Account of My Travels 游历记述

How wistfully would I wander about the pier-heads in fine weather, and watch the parting ships, bound to distant climes- with what longing eyes would I gaze after their lessening sails, and waft ([wɑ:ft, w?


1 percent reported negative emotions and lessening pressure with more effective mental hints or motivational keywords, according to the report.


The US dollar has weakened against a range of global currencies in recent months, lessening pressure on the renminbi.


Help-seekers can play an important role in lessening the costs of helping in several ways.


The University of Pennsylvania's ophthalmology department advises that the center of the monitor should be about four to eight inches lower than the eyes to minimize dryness and itching by lessening the exposed surface of the eyes because they are not opened wide.


According to researchers, attempts by one parent to counterbalance the harsh behaviour are not always effective in lessening that risk.


According to researchers, attempts by one parent to counterbalance the harsh behaviour are not always effective in lessening that risk.


1 percent reported negative emotions and lessening pressure with more effective mental hints or motivational keywords, according to the report.

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