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" The Man felt foolish, licking his hand, but he did as he was told.


An antiques collector was passing a small shop when he noticed a cat on the sidewalk out front, licking milk from a saucer.


An antiques collector was passing a small shop when he noticed a cat on the sidewalk out front, licking milk from a saucer.

Cat and mouse in partnership

Then he went for a stroll on the roofs of the town, looked out for opportunities, and then stretched out in the sun, licking his whiskers whenever he thought of the pot of fat.


An antiques collector was passing a small shop when he noticed a cat on the sidewalk out front, licking milk from a saucer.


" The Man felt foolish, licking his hand, but he did as he was told.

猫和老鼠合伙 Cat and mouse in partnership

Then he went for a stroll on the roofs of the town, looked out for opportunities, and then stretched out in the sun, licking his whiskers whenever he thought of the pot of fat.

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