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乔布斯传 第43期:印度之行(3)

During his seven months in India, he had written to his parents only sporadically, 7,, getting mail at the American Express office in New Delhi when he passed through, and so they were somewhat surprised when they got a call from the Oakland airport asking them to pick him up.


China has been represented only sporadically at the Hong Kong Sevens by teams that have often been beaten heavily by other minnows.


For example, you wanted his attention and affection but would only get it sporadically, and only when it worked for him.


" "Because leap seconds are only introduced sporadically, it is difficult to implement them in computers and mistakes can cause systems to fail temporarily.


You can't find a job by looking sporadically.


At first stunned, the others waiting in line began to sporadically clap, and before I knew it they were cheering and laughing and patting my mother on her back.


At first stunned, the others waiting in line began to sporadically clap, and before I knew it they were cheering and laughing and patting my mother on her back.

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