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Of course, these are completely made up statistics but are generally what you're dealing with in small towns.


And according to the statistics they got, 75% of the people said it's that they didn't work hard enough when they were young and as a result they had achieved nothing.


And according to the statistics they got, 75% of the people said it's that they didn't work hard enough when they were young and as a result they had achieved nothing.


Statistics from Mafengwo showed that some five-star hotels in the center of Rio have long been booked out, while prices at four-star hotels surged.


While statistics say that 95 percent of all young men who enter business fail, this should not discourage any one.


Of course, these are completely made up statistics but are generally what you're dealing with in small towns.

iPhone SE上市表现不佳

The new iPhone SE failed to impress with its sales the first weekend after its release, according to statistics from Localytics.


Visit Britain said statistics from ONS, the Office for National Statistics, show the number of tourists from Middle East Gulf states also set a new record.


Statistics from Shanghai municipal health department show that 20 percent of the patients suffering deafness are young people who often talk or listen to music through earphones for long time, the Shanghai Morning Post reported.


Statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life .

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