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乔布斯传 第33期:非里德学院不读(4)

" Vegetarianism and Zen Buddhism, meditation and spirituality, acid and rock—Jobs rolled together, in an amped-up way, the multiple impulses that were hallmarks of the enlightenment- seeking campus subculture of the era.

乔布斯传 第32期:非里德学院不读(3)

Another book that deeply influenced Jobs during his freshman year was Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé, which extolled the personal and planetary benefits of vegetarianism.


Recent studies suggest that vegetarianism may be associated with lower cholesterol(4), reduced risk of obesity and heart disease.

英语名人名言:food 食物

Besides agreeing with the aims of vegetarianism for aesthetic and moral reasons, it is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.

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